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Author Topic: Does anyone know the Carbon Footprint of a Beehive?  (Read 13501 times)

Offline Bee Happy

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Re: Does anyone know the Carbon Footprint of a Beehive?
« Reply #40 on: November 13, 2010, 03:13:33 am »
Sorry kathy, I modified that sentence, it looked awkward. they were before their time, about as out of place as Leonardo - even more - but Leonardo's works weren't suppressed and obscured. I have to wonder how many people used his doodles as launchpads for real works.
(anyway, someone else answered the carbon footprint of bees, I imagine it's negative)
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Re: Does anyone know the Carbon Footprint of a Beehive?
« Reply #41 on: November 13, 2010, 10:23:50 am »
Actually, many of DaVinci's works were suppressed and even destroyed by The Church.

I don't know how to take your looking at Nature in a religious way right now, but riddle me this...

One does not have to deify the world or nature in order to respect it.  There have been many instances of corporate and "me first" "consumerists" who have not only not shown respect for the world, but exploit it with little to no regard at all.

scientifically, humans supposedly "understand" that there is a a larger ecology that is ideally balanced with predators, scavengers, parasites, etc... who each rely on the others existence for their own continued existence.  Many people totally disregard that though with their idea that they are a 'dominant' species so the rest of the world must bend to their whim and if the rest of the world doesn't like it or it isn't "good" for them, too bad.

Whether humans want to admit it or not, we are a part of that larger ecology as well as the micro ecologies for various geographical areas all over the world.

Resources may be abundant, but they are not infinite.  Supposedly, we "know" that too, and again, many of us totally disregard it for personal profit.

Personally, I think this man made weather change story is pretty much BS.  I  think it's an excuse for some folks who are trying to find yet another way to consumerize the worlds resources by taking advantage of a growing "green" attitude by many others.

As topixqui,  I do see the world in a "religious" way so to speak.  As something incredible and perpetually wondrous that was made by the same Creator which made everything else. 

This is one of the reasons I work with honey bees as a matter of fact.  because the bees have such a beneficial relationship to the growing things on this world.  Growing plants that take in Carbon-dioxide and emit oxygen  in exchange.

growing things that with some respect and care on our part (as opposed to just using it once then chopping it down so no one else can use it) which provide food and resources for us not just once, but over and over again with some respect and conservation on our part.

bees that make honey and propolis from what they get from those growing things they pollinate and help to grow and reproduce.  Like honey and propolis and wax.  Things that we have found to be effective as medicines and food and materials for our soaps and candles and medicines.  And the bees can make these things not just once, but over and over again with some respect and conservation on our part.

My position is that by taking a respectful position of the world and exercising some self control and thinking not only of myself and what I want, but the needs of other people and other living things, the resources that are available will last much longer.

I don't need to have the religious views that  I do have to use conservation, self control and respect for the world.  Science and other tools help shape our greater understanding of how things work.  How we use those tools, as weapons or as implements, is up to us.

Offline Kathyp

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Re: Does anyone know the Carbon Footprint of a Beehive?
« Reply #42 on: November 13, 2010, 10:51:34 am »
My position is that by taking a respectful position of the world and exercising some self control and thinking not only of myself and what I want, but the needs of other people and other living things, the resources that are available will last much longer.

I don't need to have the religious views that  I do have to use conservation, self control and respect for the world.  Science and other tools help shape our greater understanding of how things work.  How we use those tools, as weapons or as implements, is up to us.

there you go. 

this often ends up being a left vs right argument.  the left loves the earth.  the right wants to trash it.  most people on the left who embrace this government enforced green crap don't have any idea where it came from.  it is straight out of Marx.  his reasoning was the same as the UNs or even our own current gov't.  control of people and resources.  Marx had another reason.  he was very much against modernization of industry.  why?  it took away jobs and gave them to machines.  sound familiar?

if you want to go for all this stuff, that's fine.  don't be played.  we are better than that.
Someone really ought to tell them that the world of Ayn Rand?s novel was not meant to be aspirational.

Offline sarafina

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Re: Does anyone know the Carbon Footprint of a Beehive?
« Reply #43 on: November 13, 2010, 11:47:14 am »
i think we should drill more and faster.  we can have our own  :-)  maybe we could even export!

We already DO export some of our oil - 1.8 million barrels a day.  Google "US export of oil" and you will come up with several articles on it.

Offline sarafina

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Re: Does anyone know the Carbon Footprint of a Beehive?
« Reply #44 on: November 13, 2010, 12:00:43 pm »
In my opinion, the whole global warming/carbon footprint meme is just another scheme to implement more taxes and funnel money upwards.

The manipulators at the top of the pyramid like to take genuine concerns people have, play on their fears and come up with a way to profit from it.  I am not talking government here - they are just the puppets of the corporations and international bankers.

Offline Kathyp

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Re: Does anyone know the Carbon Footprint of a Beehive?
« Reply #45 on: November 13, 2010, 01:00:07 pm »
people do have genuine concerns.  they are played by those above.  it is not corporations and bankers who play them.  it is the true believers in "the new world order".  it is governments and quasi-governments, like the UN.  in order for their vision to be fulfilled, the individual, the corporation, and the banking system must be redesigned.  we are unfortunate to have a leader and his supporters who fully embrace the idea of re-ordering the world.  it will be done through controlling regulations, taxes to reform behavior, and complicit groups like unions.  people will be convinced that all is done for the good of the earth, the poor people, etc.  the Soros types depend on all of us being well meaning, but uneducated pawns.

and the sad thing is that they have been very open about what they want.  i never thought they'd be anything more than crazy people blowing hot air.  i see that i was wrong.
Someone really ought to tell them that the world of Ayn Rand?s novel was not meant to be aspirational.