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Author Topic: Best time to add Super to help prevent swarming?  (Read 1323 times)

Offline c10250

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Best time to add Super to help prevent swarming?
« on: March 19, 2010, 07:09:27 pm »
I have a booming hive that made it through the winter (Chicago area).

Here's what it looked like on March 10th.  video-2010-03-10-14-41-38

Here's the entrance today, 61 deg. out. video-2010-03-19-12-29-18

This is a second-year queen.  I reversed, and am wondering about the best time to add a super to help prevent swarming. 

I'm thinking that the best time to add a super is when the temps get above 60consistently during the day.

However, the hive sits on a hive scale. I could monitor to see when the hive is gaining weight and add it then.

Or, I could just add it now.

Any suggestions?



Offline CBEE

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Re: Best time to add Super to help prevent swarming?
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2010, 11:20:56 am »
A second year hive that is busting at the seams will probably swarm wether you add supers or not. I have not found adding honey supers to prevent any of my hives from swarming. Someone else may have a different experience though. I wish it was that easy  :-D  Have you been feeding ? When does your flow start ? Does the queen have plenty of room to lay eggs ? Do a search here on swarm prevention and you get a major amount of info. If you dont find what you are looking for let us know. The quick answer as to when to add a honey super is just before the flow starts.  :)

