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Author Topic: How long can capped frames be kept before extracting?  (Read 6042 times)

Offline Chela

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How long can capped frames be kept before extracting?
« on: December 03, 2008, 07:45:30 am »


Just wondering how long can i keep capped frames full of honey before i have to extract,

  1. what can i do if the honey has crystalised before extraction
  2. How do i know the honey is still clean and uncontaminated whilst still in the frames

Many thanks

Offline bassman1977

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Re: How long can capped frames be kept before extracting?
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2008, 01:31:04 pm »
I am not sure about your first question but as far as the second question, that is going to depend on how you store them.  If you have them wrapped up, in the freezer or something to that effect, away from chemicals, dirt, etc., you should be good.  Also, you can keep the capped honey unextracted indefinitely.  Goes back to the storage issue as to whether or not it will be any good when you make cut comb or figure out how to extract the crystallized honey.

Offline Brian D. Bray

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Re: How long can capped frames be kept before extracting?
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2008, 02:14:53 pm »
Beekeepers who find themselves extracting a lot of honey usually end up building a hot room where they can keep the supers full of uncapped honey at 86-92 degrees, a temp at which the honey will spin out of the comb faster. 
If only a few frames or supers then a space heater overnight should do the trick.
Honey, once it's crustalized in the comb is problamatic because the temp required to re-liquify the honey will melt the wax.
If there is going to be a prolonged delay between harvest and extracting it is best to freeze it in the frames, it will not crystalize while frozen and heating it up prior to extracting is still do-able.
If you must extract the crustalized honey it is necessary to resort to crush and strain, then heat the mixed wax and honey to 130F.  The wax will melt and can be skimmed off and the honey will re-liquify.
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