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Author Topic: Richard and son, doing the Sir Drake stalk!!!  (Read 3512 times)

Offline Cindi

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Richard and son, doing the Sir Drake stalk!!!
« on: September 02, 2008, 03:12:50 pm »
The oddest sight I have ever seen.  While doing some chores in the chickenyard, I heard the same oooooh-hoooo, ooooh-hoooo, sound that Abigail was making to Whoppo, when he was stalking me.  It is a sound of intimidation as far as I can see.  Both the toms were making this sound, surrounding poor ol' Sir Drake (the male Muscovy, the nice, male Muscovy, I should point out).  Both toms kept walking around him, very obviously attempting to intimidate him.  Well, try and intimidate a drake, I don't think so......Sir Drake had about enough and lunged at the younger tom, they do this lunging backwards and fling their sharp claws up in the air, lucky the younger tom was fast and moved away, he probably would have had a torn up breast.  I then watched Sir Drake, he took off chasing the younger tom, as fast as he could go, and man, he can move!!!  He caught up to the tom that was running for his life, and got hold of his feathers on his back.  Luckily some of the feathers came out and the tom escaped.  Ducks have very powerful beaks (is that what it is called, or is it a bill, hee, hee).  I know, while I was trying to move a broody duck, she clamped onto the bottom of my forearm, and yep, yep, got a pretty nasty bruise from it, from this cute little duck that just peeps when you come close to her broody home.  Don't think they aren't in protect mode when you put your hand beneath their body, they most surely are:  This is a picture of both toms thinking that they can overcome Sir Drake, for whatever reason, I still cannot figure out.  Beautiful and wonderful day, in our great life.  Cindi

There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service

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Re: Richard and son, doing the Sir Drake stalk!!!
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2008, 03:56:43 pm »
How strange!  I just love watching the interactions between all the animals.  They surely communicate in ways we can't see.  I like the crest feathers on Sir Drake, he is a beauty!  Cindi, I know well the fowl bite! It's amazing how hard the birds can bite, they do the rottweiler chomp & shake to make their point. The ducks serrated bills don't cut cleanly, they scrape & saw!  Pigeons wing slap very effectively for being so small! :shock:  The 2 Brian gave me are wary of Earl but exploring their new home.  They still make the "feed me" squeeks while eating!  Jody
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Offline Cindi

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Re: Richard and son, doing the Sir Drake stalk!!!
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2008, 12:25:52 pm »
Jody, hey, I think that is cool that you name your critters too.  Earl must be the other pigeon.  How many do you have now.  Glad to hear the two from Brian are settling in well.  How long did it take Bruce to notice them in the back, hmmm.... 8-) :evil: :-X ;) :) :) :)  Bad girl!!!  Did he get really mad at ya, or was just plain and simply accepting.  I am wondering how Brian made out with the ram and his Wife, bet she was ticked off, bad Brian.... 8-) :lol: ;) :) :) :)  I think it is pretty hard to pull of a sneaky on the other half, hee, hee.  I loved to meet you, by the way, it was fun.  Have a wonderful day, great life, and all other good wishes to go along.  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service

Offline Brian D. Bray

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Re: Richard and son, doing the Sir Drake stalk!!!
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2008, 01:08:03 am »
I'm still waiting for the wife to come home from her vacation...she decided to extend for a few days....is that ominous or what?
Really, the wife and I talked a few months ago about selling all but the doeling and transitioning to sheep, a ram and 2 ewes, for raising our own locker lambs.  I  just took advantage of a FREE ram to speed up the transition, what's the big deal?  Oh, I also a buyer for the nanny, now to sell, give away, or butcher the billy.
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Offline poka-bee

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Re: Richard and son, doing the Sir Drake stalk!!!
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2008, 02:10:21 am »
Cindi, yes I do name most of them if the personality is strong enough, you know how that goes!  Earl is my "rescue"pigeon.  I noticed him in a parking lot not acting like a pigeon should. After 1/2 hr of chasing him over under & through cars & bushes in a suit, hose & heels no less I was the proud owner of a broken pigeon. The plan was to fix him & let him go.  He wouldn't leave the vet wrap alone so the wing didn't heal right, he can't fly.  Not at all grateful he hates people, me especially.  He had a girlfriend but she somehow broke her neck flying around the loft this summer.  I put one of his babies in with him so he wouldn't be lonely but it's a male, they try to outdance each other, funny as heck to watch!  Bruce did notice the box before we went home...not happy but accepting he was..not much he could say as my living room is full of sound gear..he is like a woman with shoes..buys stuff & hides it in the garage..bringing it out months later with the "this old thing??"  "It's been here for months!" :roll: I'm glad you are feeling better Brian, was a bit worried..thought your wife had grounded you cause of the ram!  You will be the only one that can eat that billy...ewwww!  :-P That smell is through & through the meat I'm sure! Makes me gag just thinking about it!  Cindi & Janele will agree!  Jody
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Offline Cindi

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Re: Richard and son, doing the Sir Drake stalk!!!
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2008, 11:23:15 am »
Getting back to that smell of that stinky old goat.  You are never going to believe this...yesterday morning I was out working the chickenyard and I could smell a billy goat.  I questionned if it was my imagination, mine can go rather wild now and then.  I thought maybe Ken had come out and was still wearing those billy goat clothes from Brian's billy goat rubbing up on him.  Nope, Ken wasn't there, Brian wasn't there, neither was Brendhan, hee, hee, no man who had the billy goat rub his stinky stink glands on their clothes.  Must be the neighbour, where else would it come from.  I know she had nannies, but she hasn't had a billy yet.  But yep, yep, for surely she must now have.

Now let me tell you, that stink of her billy goat is travelling a long, long ways.  It must be several hundred, if not more feet to any area where she could possibly be keeping a billy from where I was standing.  That is a long ways, a long stinky ways.

When Brendhan and Janel came over last evening, we were walking around, I was showing them the birds, the bees and stuff.  Well, Janel smelled the billy goat smell.  See, it was not my imagination, and we were a long ways away from my neighbours farmyard.  Of course, Ken and Brendhan couldn't smell this billy goat, but us ladies, of course we could, and it was strong.  Beautiful, most wonderful day, love and live this great life.  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service

Offline poka-bee

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Re: Richard and son, doing the Sir Drake stalk!!!
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2008, 10:02:12 pm »
Yep, there's no mistaking that smell, once you get it you NEVER forget...much like that "herbal" smell of the 60's :roll:  If your neighbor has nannies she probably borrowed a billy.  This is the time of year for breeding.  Janele & Brendhan just left for Seattle.  There is so much to do there, they will have a great time. I so enjoyed having them here.  Kept working on Brendhan for Janele to get chix..she liked that mine like to be petted & held & that they put themselves to bed at night!  Off to see why my laptop won't get on the interned.. :-x stupid machine anyways!  hmmph!
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Offline Cindi

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Re: Richard and son, doing the Sir Drake stalk!!!
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2008, 12:43:17 pm »
Jody, eeeks!!!  I was talking to my neighbour, over the fence yesterday, and I told her I smelled a billy goat, and where did it come from, hee, hee.  I told her that I hadn't smelled it before the past couple of days.  She told me that she had two (imagine that!!!).  She said that this is the time of year when the billies are rutting (what a weird, weird word), and that is the smell.  And yes, that is the stinky, stanky, billy smell.  No wonder Brian's great big billy goat gruff stunk so badly, and made him, Ken and Brendhan stink like nothing on this earth.  Eeeks!!!!  I hope that the rutting season ends soon, because it really is an awefully offensive smell.  There isn't many smells that bother me, but these billy goat gruffs, hee, hee, are one --- and I can't believe how far they can be smelled from.

Ken and I are building a barn for the horse today, it is going to be 12 X12, the foundation is the first thing to be done.  So, I guess that I will be the joe boy, pushing that ding dang wheelbarrow all over the good green earth, eeks!!!!  That is gonna be some hard work to do, the things we do for love, my darling Daughter, what she has brung onto her pooor ol' mum and dad.  Oh well.....she will help us, I know that, she is so grateful.  She just began a new job and it is an evening shift, so it takes her time when she comes home to wind down, and then must sleep in a bit in the morning to rest, to get ready for the next day's work....so her time is limited, but I know she will push a few heavy cement-filled wheelbarrows, my Husband bought a nice new cement mixer, the colour is orange, and I know that he is gonna have some fun, fun, fun, is the possible sun, sun, sun.  Have the most wonderful and awesomely great day, Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service

