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Author Topic: Privi hedge  (Read 3129 times)

Offline doak

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Privi hedge
« on: May 04, 2008, 11:57:49 pm »
Hate to but it has to come down.
After it finishes blooming this year. Its too close to the house.
China berries are blooming but I don't think the bees are paying those much attention.
Persimmons will be next.
Then my garden.
have onions almost big as tennis balls.
The moon and stars watermelon even has stars on the leaves. :roll: :shock:doak ;

Offline Cindi

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Re: Privi hedge
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2008, 10:11:20 am »
Doak, don't worry, sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do.  I had to do the same thing with my honeysuckle last fall.  It had grown so big and heavy it was pulling the entire fence down, what a bummer.  But it is growing back. It probably won't flower this year, but next year, a new lease on life!!!  Hee, hee.

Wow, tell about the moon and stars watermelon, that sounds intriguing, hee, hee.  You got some good food going on over there, wish our stuff would come sooner.

I am not even beginning to think yet of planting in my veggie gardens the regular stuff, maybe in another 10 days or so.  Our weather has just warmed and I have always found that there is no point in sowing seed until at least after Mother's Day, my rule of thumb

Things are so far behind here this year, I am not kidding.  The asparagus is my prime crop for telling me the secrets.  It still doesn't have the shoots up high enough for a picking.  When I operated that small nursery for so many years, I would open around the 25 of April.  Around the 1st of May I recall clearly my customers drooling over the enormous and fat asparagus that I was picking all the time.  It is about 3 weeks behind, at least.  Oh well, maybe we are going to have a beautiful summer.....have the most beautiful, wonderful day, Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service

Offline doak

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Re: Privi hedge
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2008, 11:28:03 am »
The moon&stars watermelon is an heirloom and has red flesh. Average size 20-30 lbs.
Dark green skin with little yellow spots shaped like the moon and stars.
Moon being larger and smooth edges where the stars are smaller with jagged edges.
When I get my PC fixed up right again I will be posting some more pictures.

So far all I have got back is this forum and a couple others and my e-mails.
Lost a gob of files that will "never" be recovered. Only the second time in 10 yrs.
Oh well, tit for tat, these things happen. ;) :)
But I am still happy and content.doak

Offline Cindi

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Re: Privi hedge
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2008, 09:16:01 am »
Doak, I can't wait to see the pictures of your watermelons, wow!!!  I have tried to grow watermelon here, the short season may mature or may not, they would be small melons, about the size of a basketball, no bigger, but boy are they good.  There was only one year that I had success with them, I should keep trying though, try and try again, hee, hee, beautiful day in our wonderful lives.  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service

Offline doak

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Re: Privi hedge
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2008, 11:29:11 am »
cindi, look for an early maturing one and start it in cups, about 30 days before the last frost.
That is about the only way I know you could have any luck with one.
Try to find one that matures in less than 100 days, say 85 or 90,