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Author Topic: Cindi Post about behind the scenes at Beemaster Forums  (Read 4843 times)

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Cindi Post about behind the scenes at Beemaster Forums
« on: April 16, 2008, 12:54:38 pm »

I accidentally copied over your reply concerning Bill's ISP spam issue, while I responded to it - sorry (I tried copying it to this post and wrote over it using copy and paste - ugh) but I know you enjoy the behind the scenes issues I often mention and how you truly enjoy that look behind the forum's stage.

I know you enjoy reading the thought and logic we try to use to keep every well here. The easiest way to make everything appear always sunny is to write nothing at all and everyone assumes that all is right in the world. That might be the best way, but it also is a little deceiving, as mentioned nothing in life is perfect - pretending it is, doesn't make it so either.

Bill and I had a few good PMs today, I had lumped a lot of stuff in the reply I wrote to him because 1) I am so tired, work is making me a little loony 2) I'm faxing and signing my life away (it feels like)  our buying a house here has such a paper trail, it amazes me how much paperwork is involved and to think the "average person" moves ever 4 to 7 years seems nuts to me, but I got this from the lender who is partially financing my new home 3) I was eyeglasses and struggling to see, so I rambled on and added the extra stuff - which I read again this morning and it is a good extended reply, but surely not on topic. So rather than bog down Bill's wav file post, I moved the majority of what I said here.

I did though GLEAN from you something important: the word "darkside" which we all know is always at the door, but rarely gets a foot into our forum. YOUR POST deserves to be talked about a little - especially the Spring Cleaning Part I mentioned. You opened my eyes a bit with your post, in a good way, you helped me brainstorm here some which is something I love to do :)

(the following was moved - written by me)

I'm not a techie Guy, I'm always the first to admit it. I was honored when Robo recently called me the Visionary and creator of the site - I think they were the words  :roll: and now 10 years into Beemaster.com (counting my site long before this wonderful domain name was registered) but the technical aspect of the forum is sooooo beyond me that I can only sit in awe at how smoothly everything runs within the aspects of the SMF software - which is what the forum is based on and the amazing skills of our technical administrator. I clearly see why it take hundreds and even thousands of people to make a theatrical movie, the more you know about anything, the more you know you don't know.

There is indeed a Trinity of cohabitation here, and all of equal importance; membership. moderation and technical assurance. That means we all play a roll in making the forums successful - that is why we stress so much that everyone should make this a place that YOU would allow the youngest member of your family to visit with minimal over-the-shoulder parenting needs. Surely, I'm a firm believer in that a computer belongs in the family room, not a kids bedroom - it isn't a matter of trusting your kids, it is just acknowledging that there are predators looking for their next meal.

WE do everything that is possible to keep all members of all ages and beliefs in a single atmosphere to congregate where they feel safe from the limitless evils of the net. You may wonder why I go off the handle sometimes, just be assured that an ounce of prevention (tough love usually in our case) is worth it in the long term.

I hate to quote Spock from Star trek, but for those of you who don't understand how a member with hundreds and even thousands of posts can be banned as easily as a new member starting out from day one as a jerk, remember "The needs of the many out-way the needs of the few - or the one!"  EACH MEMBER is important to our community, but no member is immune when they go whacked. We have a warning system and rules, read the main posts in the admin forum if you are unsure - but the main rule, the one that supersedes all others is BE KIND TO EACH OTHER. That is what makes us unique, not that we are strict, but because we require members and staff to respect other members as members expect to be respected themselves.

Last thought, it is weeding time of some of the posts which have been hurtful or abusive. Those posts still on the forum that are pointedly argumentative will make it to the waste can SELECTIVELY - leaving most questionable posts intact, but some replies will be edited out.

My Dad always said "Once someone has peed in the worlds best clam chowder, it is now pee chowder" is so true and we've all heard the One Bad apple spoils the who barrel version. I never fear dealing with troubling issues that come about, I just hope that such issues never arise.


So Cindi, you can re-post any thoughts, I love your intense spirit and enthusiasm toward life, you make me smile, every day! Thanks.

It is indeed SPRING CLEANING TIME - time to get the Winter air out of our tires, and fresh laundry hanging on the line. Sorry for the metaphors, but I think they often tell a point better than a thousand "for-instances" could.
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Offline dlmarti

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Re: Cindi Post about behind the scenes at Beemaster Forums
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2008, 02:03:08 pm »
Moderation of any forum, is a difficult job.

What many people don't realize is its not just about moderating trouble makers or trouble posts, its about maintaining a tone or personality of the forum.

When you feel comfortable with a particular forum, its not really about the users of the forum, but the personality of the forum itself.  The users come and go, but with good moderation you can maintain a particular tone or feel to the end user.

Offline reinbeau

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Re: Cindi Post about behind the scenes at Beemaster Forums
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2008, 02:09:59 pm »
Exactly, dlmarti.  There is no overmoderation here, yet the tone is so civil, it's a pleasure to visit - sometimes far too often!  :lol:  Being a moderator is truly a bit of a juggling act, the moderators here do a wonderful job.

Offline Cindi

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Re: Cindi Post about behind the scenes at Beemaster Forums
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2008, 01:12:43 am »
John, you know me.  Whatever comes what may.  I do not feel anything bad about the thing with my post, we all know that stuff happens that we just can't control, that happens to me all the time.  But.....now I am tired too, it is the end of the day, and I know surely I will be sleeping on what I may have responded to with your post.  I will have to revist this in the morning.  I will be putting two and two together in my night sleep, and I may even remember what I may have said in the response to the post.

The fact John, that I make you smile every day has brought an enormous bunch of happiness to my soul.  Words cannot tell this tale.  The thought that I can make people smile, and maybe even laugh sometimes makes my life entirely more than worthwhile. What a wonderful thing eh?  I am grateful that I can be privileged to make any person happy, that is probably my lot in life, and I take it very seriously.  So, John, you have the best of this wonderful life, take care at work, you are weary, that is because you have had an enormous plateful these past times with your purchase of your new house.  Rest, as much as you can, resting is very important, it rejuvenates our body and souls.   Take care of yourself, you know that is the most important thing, and take care of your lovely wife, Tracey too.  Beautiful day in this beautiful life, Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service

Offline Cindi

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Re: Cindi Post about behind the scenes at Beemaster Forums
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2008, 09:57:09 am »
John, so morning has broken, I slept well, actually slept in a little bit even (was that you? making me think too hard while I slept, hee, hee).  Nope, can't remember what I may have written in my response to your post, so we will have to let this one go by the wayside.  I simply ramble sometimes, and ramblin' is also my "job" in life, hee, hee, so a'ramblin' I will go, off to another thread and topic, hee. hee.

I think that I may have had some response that may have gone something like this though.  I have said this before and I will say it again.

This forum is the second place that I go to in cyberspace each morning, there could be more that I go to, in search of information on the internet.  The very first place I go is to my e-mail, where I know each morning I willl have a greeting from my oldest Daughter, who so diligently sends me her hugs and kisses, that brings that smile to my face.  And then later on in the morning I get to see my youngest Daughter as she heads off to work with her coffee truck.  I am a blessed woman.

Eeeks, see what I mean, I am a'ramblin'.  I meant to place some thoughts here about what I might have said in response to that post.

I think that I just wanted to say thank you.  Thank you to yourself, the Moderators of our forum and our forum friends.  We all do a little part to keep this place the best in the west, so to speak, a place where we can all spend time to be safe from the "dark" side of the world. There is no dark side here, it is a beautiful and pleasant place to be, friendly right from the get go, happiness, safety, the aura of this forum is beautiful, so many people make it this way.  It is a place where I feel protected, I think that is what keeps me coming back, (of course with so many other reasons, too).  It is like a little family, John, you have said this before, that this is like a family to you, and yes it is.  We are all Brothers and Sisters in this world, we all know that, that term is used loosely, but we are all related, we are kin.

So, thank you John Clayton, the Moderators who help to keep our little world safe, and thank you to all my forum friends (and new friends that will made) for making this a beautiful home away from home, in our cyberspace space.  I take my hat off to you all, and yes, I can say this, I love you all!!!!  (this made a little lump in my throat, you know, the one of pride and happiness, I know each and every one of us knows that tightness you get in your throat, the one that makes it hard to swallow for a fleeting moment in time, the pride lump, I am smiling, I am happy).  Have the most beautiful and wonderful day that you can, we all deserve this beauty in life.  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service

Offline Geoff

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Re: Cindi Post about behind the scenes at Beemaster Forums
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2008, 09:24:04 am »
For someone who is not overly verbose either by voice or text, Cindi and John you have just given me a few minutes of great reading. Both of your feelings for fellow members of the forum are to be admired and as such help to sustain the wonderful nature of this forum.

Local Area Network in Australia - the LAN down under.

Offline Cindi

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Re: Cindi Post about behind the scenes at Beemaster Forums
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2008, 09:50:46 am »
Geoff, thank you for those fine words, yep, I am not a talker, I am a writer, hee, hee.  Have the most wonderful day, more of these to come. Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service