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Author Topic: It's MILK DAY  (Read 424 times)

Offline Michael Bush

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« on: January 11, 2023, 08:53:17 am »
What did one dairy cow say to another?
Got milk?

What do you call a cow that doesn?t give milk?
A milk dud.

Why don?t cows have any money?
Because they always get milked dry.

Where do Russians get their milk?
From Mos-cows

What did mama cow say to baby cow?
It?s pasture bedtime.

Do you know why the cow jumped over the moon?
The farmer had cold hands.

Why did the cow cross the road?
To get to the udder side.

Why does a milking stool have only 3 legs?
Because the cow has the udder.

What do you get when you cross a cow and a duck?
Milk and Quackers!

What kind of milk comes from a forgetful cow?
Milk of Amnesia

What do you call a cow that doesn?t give milk?
An udder failure.

Why can?t dairy cows dance?
They have 2 left feet.

Why did the kitten drink all the milk?
Because kittens love milk!

Why did the pirate want milk poured on him?
He was Captain Crunch!

How did Reese eat her milk and cereal?

Why was the dairy farmer asking for directions?
He lost his whey!

What did the customer say to the cashier who asked if he wanted his milk in a bag?
Just leave it in the carton, please.

What's faster, milk, or bread?
Milk because it's pasteurised before you see it.

A wife asks her programmer husband to go to the shop to buy a carton of milk, and if they have eggs, to get a dozen. The husband returns with 12 cartons of milk. When the wife asks "Why did you buy so much milk?!" he replies, "they had eggs."

What type of people should stay away from cows feet?
Lack-toes intolerant people.

What should you tell a cow that says she gives almond milk?
You must be nuts.

Why did the fool get confused when he opened the can of evaporated milk? Because he found liquid in it.

How does regular milk introduce itself in Spanish?
Soy milk!
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