Hi, All!
It has been awhile since I update on my 5 level deep nuc QC process. On this Friday I finally made the decision to put the 9 cap QCs into my
homemade small fridge incubator. I have 2 digital temperature sensors, one hygrometer and 1 regular mercury temperature reading in there.
Because there is a heat wave this week with triple digit temperature, I don't want to make mating nucs ahead of time risk of cooking the
cap broods and QCs. With 9 cap cells from my last cell grafts, many turn into queen pupae already. I grafted last Friday so they should be emerging on this
Sunday at the latest.
So, using my incubator is the only option of trying to delay their emergence, at least until this heat wave is decrease by this Wednesday. I'm able to program the
digital temp. controller down between 91.2 and 91.4F for these QCs. The hygrometer reading is at constant 53% with adjustment. Usually when incubating these QCs they require a constant temp. of 94F. Since I want to delay their emergence I have no choice but to bring down the temp. to 91F hoping that this will delay their emergence. A higher temp will speed up their emergence where as a lower temp. will slow down their emergence. Since I have no prior experience with a lower QC temp., my question is will they emergence by this Weds incubating at 91F?
Can you see?