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Author Topic: REGISTRATION  (Read 886 times)


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« on: February 25, 2018, 12:39:57 pm »
Hi Folks,

Does this belong here,... the Coffeehouse,... or The Second Amendment?

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is re-imagining apiary regulations. I attended a Stakeholder's Meeting a few nights ago. There were too few beeks there, imho. As I sat down I addressed our State Bee Inspector, Kim Skrym: Kim. If this passes you will be making me a criminal!

I'm posting only one paragraph, but I'll give a link if there is enough interest.

8.03: Registration

(1) All individuals that keep Honey Bee Colonies in the Commonwealth must register their Apiary(ies) with the Department within thirty (30) days from the date of promulgation of 330 CMR 8.00 or, if after said thirty (30) days, within fourteen (14) days of acquiring bees.

(2) Registration must include, at a minimum, the following: (a) Name and address of the Beekeeper; (b) Email and phone number of the Beekeeper; and (c) Apiary address(es) of the location(s) where Colonies will be kept. If multiple sites are used during the year, then all sites must be listed.

(3) Registration information must be updated if information required by 8.03(2) changes or if the Beekeeper no longer keeps bees.

(4) All Hives in the Apiary must be clearly marked with the name of the Beekeeper or Apiary, either inside or outside, to be easily found by an Inspector.

Molon Labe


Offline eltalia

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« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2018, 05:25:05 pm »
errr.. no "fan" of regulation yet I put to you the thought that should
auditing been available at the time of CCD in the USA maybe the
outcomes today would be another story.


