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Author Topic: New Boxes Added  (Read 1227 times)

Offline Steel Tiger

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New Boxes Added
« on: June 30, 2013, 07:05:36 pm »
I went through box hives all the way down to the bottom board. Hive 1 has one deep with brood and 1 medium full of honey. I only pulled one frame to be sure there was a solid pattern and poke open a few drone cells to look for mites (there were none) and left the rest of the frames alone in the deep. I pulled to frames of capped honey out of the medium and put one on each side of a new box and put the under the deep. My hopes are that they'll build comb and the queen will move down and start laying. If it works, as soon as that box if built and full of brood, I'll add another empty under it.
 I also added an empty medium to the top of the hive, pulling 3 frames from the one full of honey and leaving and empty space between them.I'm not expecting them to work on the top box much untill they fill in the 5 new empty frames they now have in the first honey super.
 Hive 2 was pretty much the same excapt that they have 1 deep with brood and 2 mediums mostly full of honey. I had to straighten out 2 combs that where starting to be build outward instead on along the frame, no big deal. Again I added two frames of capped honey to an empty medium and put the brood box on top. Pulled 5 frames from between the other two mediums and added to an empty medium. I arranged them so that a frame that had comb build was under or over and beside an empty frame.
 Next week I'll check for new comb being build in the honey boxes and give them 2 weeks before checking on the bottom. I think next week I'll give them an upper entrance as well.
 If anyone thinks I did something wrong, let me know your concerns so I can fix something before it becomes a problem.

Offline don2

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Re: New Boxes Added
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2013, 07:26:03 pm »
You need to put frames in space where they go. you will be surprised how quick they will build comb, they don't wait till they need it.
Don't leave frames out, you will be sorry you did.  :) d2

Offline Steel Tiger

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Re: New Boxes Added
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2013, 07:33:56 pm »
 I left no frames out. The bottom boxes has 2 frames of capped honey and 8 empty frames between them. I went foundationless and the queens became honey bound. When I added boxes above the brood nest, I'm guessing the queen wouldn't climb the space to the new comb to lay so all the new comb got filled with honey. I put the box underneath with hopes that as the new comb is being built, the queen will travel down to lay eggs since there won't be a 6 or 7 inch gap between her and the comb.
 Once all the frames are full, I'll add 1 more medium on the bottom and hopefully that will give me 1 deep and 2 mediums for a brood nest heading into winter. I'll switch the deeps back to the bottom before the end of the year (September? October?) and next year I'll remove them so I'll be working with all mediums.

Offline don2

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Re: New Boxes Added
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2013, 07:43:50 pm »
Gotcha.  :)d2