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Author Topic: New nucs, one is acting very different from the other two.  (Read 1691 times)

Offline Georgia Boy

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Went into my hives I got from the Fat Bee Man yesterday to remove a block we put in to keep the frames from shifting.

This is one of the three foundationless frames I put in when I picked up the nuc before we closed it up for transport.

This hive is buzzing very loudly and pulling larvae out of the hive but as you can see they are very busy drawing comb. This is only about 16 hours after the frame was put in. What concerns me is the loud buzzing and taking brood out of the hive.

Is this normal after a move? Does it mean we missed the queen?

The other two nucs are far more quiet. One a barely started to draw on one frame and the other not at all.

Any insights on this would be great.


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Offline Steel Tiger

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Re: New nucs, one is acting very different from the other two.
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2013, 07:23:06 pm »
 My "mean" hive draws comb like crazy. It's been a week and 1/2 and they drew out all three of the foundationless frames I put in when I first got them and the other two I added are both over 1/2 done. The other "gentle" hive is working at a much slower pace. I've seen the queen in the "gentle" hive but have not seen her in the other.
 Tomorrow is suppose to be a nice day. I'll be giving them a new hive stand (the first one I built isn't completely level), search for the queen, replace a broken frame if the brood emerged, and add an empty medium. I'll be recording it for screen shots in case I find something interesting and to post onto my youtube channel.

 I went out today to grab some hardware for the new stand. It's cloudy but warm and very few bees were coming and going. While I was removing the first piece of hardware, one bee just sat on the stand and watched. Even though I was making a bit of noise, no bees come out of the hives to investigate. I did all the work from the rear of the hives, when I was done, I checked the front and noticed a dead bee on the stand in front of the entrance. Since it rained yesterday, I'm thinking neighbors laid down grubx or something.

Offline Georgia Boy

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Re: New nucs, one is acting very different from the other two.
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2013, 08:23:10 pm »
Went out to pick some of the larvae and took pictures.

I think what happened was on the ride home, even though I had slid the bottom board open about 2 inches, they just got too hot.
There are A LOT  of adult bees in this nuc generating a lot of heat. It wasn't hot yesterday and it was overcast on the way home. But I still think they could have gotten too hot.

I am too new to be a good judge but all these larvae and pupae seem to be far enough along to had been in capped cells but I may be wrong.

Give me your ideas.

Thanks David
« Last Edit: May 12, 2013, 08:48:56 pm by Georgia Boy »
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Offline beek1951

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Re: New nucs, one is acting very different from the other two.
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2013, 08:39:40 pm »
Those aren't larva, those are dead bees, either grown though maybe young or pupae
ready to emerge or emereging. There are many reasons for a light die-off. Moving the hive
could be a factor as could temperature.

Offline Steel Tiger

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Re: New nucs, one is acting very different from the other two.
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2013, 08:50:05 pm »
I left the hives closed until the next day. When I removed the screen that I taped across the entrance, the second bee out was carrying a dead bee. I didn't see them carry any larvae out.

Offline 10framer

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Re: New nucs, one is acting very different from the other two.
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2013, 11:44:03 pm »
looks like pupae.  more likely chilled last night than hot during the ride.