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Author Topic: Equipment Fire Sale in Nashville, TN  (Read 2930 times)

Offline fisherbees

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Equipment Fire Sale in Nashville, TN
« on: April 12, 2012, 10:10:28 am »
I have way too much equipment for the upcoming year and need to clear out some basement space.

I haven't done a complete inventory (yet) but I know I have the following available.
Approx 25 honey supers with drawn frames
Approx 25 hive bodies (many with drawn comb but unsure of the condition)
Bottom boards with hive beetle traps (many have never been used)
Tops (metal and migratory)
Bee Vac (to catch swarms)
9 frame radial extractor and honey processing equipment for up to a twenty hive "operation"
Everything is negotiable.
Email me at fisherbees@gmail.com with what you might need and I will let you know if I have it.