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Author Topic: Hive Weight Observation Unit  (Read 1938 times)

Offline The Bix

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Hive Weight Observation Unit
« on: December 03, 2010, 12:33:27 pm »
I thought it would be interesting to install a unit underneath my hives to record the weight of my hives at one hour intervals throughout the year and graph the results.  My first thought was that it would be a good indicator of when the nectar flow starts as well as giving a good indicator of population increases (or decreases for that matter).  I thought it would certainly help me to observe my bees without disturbing them.  I realize that nothing beats an up-close and personal inspection, frame by frame.  But, this would be an interesting addition to the arsenal to stay ahead of the power curve and spot problems earlier.

My initial thoughts were to observe:
1) Spring Buildup (healthy colony)
2) Nectar flow (adding supers)
3) Fall buildup (winter prep)
4) Depletion of reserves in the winter (identifying a need to feed)

Then I found this http://www.coloss.org/publications/Continuous%20wt%20data%20-%20Apidologie.pdf

Sure would like to get some opinions on this.

