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Author Topic: It's been awhile in coming.....  (Read 1932 times)

Offline BjornBee

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It's been awhile in coming.....
« on: October 28, 2009, 03:32:57 pm »
I've had smallcell for number of years, 6 years I think now. My discussions in past years included outright clashes with those that first hailed smallcell as a comb too small to allow mites to reproduce. Oh...those were the early years. Imagine that....cells too small for mites to reproduce.

Then came the "Bees cap the brood earlier" and this suppressed mite reproduction. And of course anyone questioning, was met with..."You can't dismiss it if you don't have any smallcell!"

So I ran out and got smallcell.

So for 6 years, I, and perhaps a couple others, who actually had smallcell and questioned the "bandwagon" crowd, were easily dismissed by such followers of smallcell. We had a bone to pick, or other agendas were at play.

But I stuck to my guns and probably was badmouthed in very dark corners. I mentioned many times..."Sooner or later, the research will come out"

Of course when one of the first smallcell studies came out, it was automatically attacked and reasoning's of failure including "mite leveling" was introduced. (which is a bunch of crap!) Oh, the memories of those heated discussions.

But I knew what I was seeing in my own bee yards and in my own smallcell colonies. Many questioned my position as a "You hate smallcell" for one reason or another, after I was just relaying my own observations. I kept clear of some circles, as if anyone not fully on board was to be blackballed. The fact that maybe someone was actually just stating what they were seeing, probably was dismissed.

Bee Culture has a nice article on smallcell. It is a followup and actually mentions three separate experiments by J Berry (Georgia), one from the University of Florida, and one from New Zealand....all finding the same conclusion. All those claims were not being seen in regards to lower mite level in smallcell bees.

I commend those researchers. I also feel very good knowing for years, what I was seeing, is now seen in multiple studies.

As I said years ago, this fad will pass. The claims will be debunked. Just be aware of the next "gimmick" no doubt coming down the road.

I actually have noticed some rather huge past supporters of smallcell are actually starting to slide the way of natural cell. Something that I find ironic in that I have been promoting natural comb for years.

Yes, it sounds as if I'm patting myself on the back. But it feels real good after being hammered for years by others, to start seeing those walls crashing down.

I applaud those few who were willing to stand up and ask questions and some who actually supported me.

5 years ago, I was hammered for even suggesting that commercial beekeepers were using illegal chemicals. Those doors came crashing down. 5 Years ago, I questioned smallcell and was hammered for that too. And that is door is opening up, to debunk some of those claims.

But hey!....I'm just the kook that starts trouble, asks too many questions, and has too much time on his hands to actually check some of this stuff out.

Great article. Bee Culture, November 2009, page 49.

Now I wonder how they will dismiss these studies also... :roll:

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Offline trapperbob

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Re: It's been awhile in coming.....
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2009, 08:44:07 pm »
It would seem you are in good company with a few other kooks they thought Thomas Edison was a bit kooky and wasn't the world flat at one time. A little controversy is a good thing think of how boring it would be if everyone thought alike. MB told me at one of our bee meetings if nothing else the proof was in the fact that all the small cell bees  he has has out lived all the other so called large cell he had. to me that is the best proof of all. The science does not always prove small cell but when put in to practise it works. Science says bees should not fly. Good thing the bee never found out. You just keep stirring things up. By the way whats the next great controversy.

Offline hardwood

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Re: It's been awhile in coming.....
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2009, 09:04:58 pm »
 X:X Kudos Bjorn! Now it's time to move on to other quandaries such as: The best SHB trap, varroa control, increasing hive product, and would someone address the issue of low-fat salad dressing for cryin' out loud?

Kidding aside, I really do admire you're pioneering spirit! I love to experiment with my hives (just had a disastrous end result of my "top bar langstroth" trial) and I think that without such this hobby/business and indeed life would be rather gray. Just think of the adventurous types who first tried oysters...what were they thinking?? Or "Hey, I wonder what happens if I rub these two sticks together"?

I'm sure to as gain much knowledge from  your future posts as I have in the recent past and for that I thank you!

"In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag...We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...And we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."

Theodore Roosevelt 1907

Offline BjornBee

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Re: It's been awhile in coming.....
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2009, 09:33:38 pm »
It would seem you are in good company with a few other kooks they thought Thomas Edison was a bit kooky and wasn't the world flat at one time. a little controversy is a good thing think of how boring it would be if everyone thought alike. MB told me at one of our bee meetings if nothing else the proof was in the fact that all the small cell bees  he has has out lived all the other so called large cell he had. to me that is the best proof of all. The science does not always prove small cell but when put in to practise it works. Science says bees should not fly. Good thing the bee never found out. You just keep stirring things up. By the way whats the next great controversy.

Oh, my days of controversy are over. I found foreign pollen laced with DDT being used by commercial suppliers, to possibly Australian bees being sent out in packages by middlemen buying stressed hives out of California. I've stepped on toes with my own observations on the Warre hive, FGMO, smallcell, to about anything else I could test, or look at. Just got me hated by many groups, at least one letter writing campaign against me, to hate email that would make your head spin. Sometimes you just have to ask yourself if it is worth it. Does it really make a difference? I suppose no matter how many times we show the Jim Jones story, or the "catch the comet and kill yourself" group, there will always be the next group ready to latch on to the next slick talking person offering salvation. Beekeepers are no different I suppose. You can not argue with the ol' "Bees were not suppose to fly" position. I've always said, I hope many people get smallcell hives up and running. The sooner they do, the more people will come to the realization that smallcell alone does not do what it claims. And that list over the years is really long.  

These days, I'm left to better days, where I can concentrate on more friendlier positions.  

Ok, maybe I have a couple things in the works. Afterall, a habit is hard to break.... :roll:

Stay tuned......... :-D

I was one who put smallcell into practice, and have stated my position for years, prior to ANY research. I put myself out on a limb. I stuck my neck out. I stated that eventually research would prove the claims wrong. And it clearly is doing that. I also said that eventually, many beekeepers AFTER using smallcell will come to the same conclusions. It's just a little behind, but I stand by my comments. I could of easily sold smallcell hives...I never did! I could of become a speaker to promote smallcell....I never did! I could of saved myself the grief in NOT coming out against smallcell....I never did! Think about all that for a moment.

What I suggest to folks is do smallcell yourself. Don't listen to those selling, promoting, or advancing themselves. Do it for the fun. You will see. By that time, I'm sure there will be something else coming along to jump onto.

Oh crap! I'm not stepping on toes am I. I never seem to learn.... ;)

Ok, I'm starting now........
« Last Edit: October 28, 2009, 11:29:03 pm by BjornBee »
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Offline BjornBee

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Re: It's been awhile in coming.....
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2009, 09:37:51 pm »
X:X Kudos Bjorn! Now it's time to move on to other quandaries such as: The best SHB trap, varroa control, increasing hive product, and would someone address the issue of low-fat salad dressing for cryin' out loud?

Kidding aside, I really do admire you're pioneering spirit! I love to experiment with my hives (just had a disastrous end result of my "top bar langstroth" trial) and I think that without such this hobby/business and indeed life would be rather gray. Just think of the adventurous types who first tried oysters...what were they thinking?? Or "Hey, I wonder what happens if I rub these two sticks together"?

I'm sure to as gain much knowledge from  your future posts as I have in the recent past and for that I thank you!


Thank you Scott.

Low fat salad dressing? Sorry, I'm strictly a olive oil and balsamic vinegar, over huge amounts of feta cheese on top of the salad type of guy.

I think everyone, and I say this seriously....should try everything out there. Bees....not salad dressing! You learn so much, whether it works or does not work. Try everything. You may see something nobody else was looking at.
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Offline JWPick

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Re: It's been awhile in coming.....
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2009, 01:23:32 pm »
I would like to say "Thank You!" BjornBee for ALL of the wisdom and experience you pass along with each debate or controversy. It truly helps us newbies in avoiding a lot of costly mistakes. I commend each and every person who perpetuates knowledge and insight! I'm just beginning the wonderful world of beekeeping and look forward to every lesson to be learned and experienced. I also look forward to your future debates and controversies.

This Forum has been so helpful of which you are a big part! There are so many wonderful and knowledgeable people on this Forum who are willing to help in any way they can, especially answering the same questions over and over. So, Thank You to You and everbody who helps and continues to give us all some wonderful insight!