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Author Topic: Benadryl Question  (Read 9790 times)

Offline Kathyp

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Re: Benadryl Question
« Reply #40 on: July 02, 2009, 12:00:44 am »
if i take my horse to a clinic and get dumped, it's not the fault of the trainer.  there is some risk involved in riding.  if i take my horse to a clinic and the trainer throws a firecracker under her and i get dumped, that is the fault of the trainer.  she/he used poor judgment. 

if i am smart, i wear my helmet to the clinic, but if i get dumped and break my arm, the helmet did not help.

i don't think the organizer should apologize either.  i do think he should have a word with the presenter and not have that person back again.  in many of our activities there is a risk that we assume.  part of that risk should not be accepting injury because someone else demonstrated poor/no judgment.
Someone really ought to tell them that the world of Ayn Rand?s novel was not meant to be aspirational.

Offline woodchopper

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Re: Benadryl Question
« Reply #41 on: July 02, 2009, 06:10:19 pm »
I know this was an unfortunate situation at the Field Day since I was at that session and witnessed it myself.  The presenter should not have banged on the hive.  However, before he even started he told all of us that he would be going in the hive and that people should put protective gear on at this point, and he had his veil on.  This should have been a cue to everyone to have their veils on, especially since he said it as well, and Dan mentioned it in the morning at the beginning of the day.  The man doing the session also warned us that the bees don't like getting coated in sugar, which should have been yet another clue.  I was only one of the few that actually listened and had my veil on. 
  It was suggested that everybody bring a veil but it wasn't a requirement. There were alot of the people there that didn't have any protective equipment with them or were like my wife and myself.....we only own full suits. The reason people are upset is because like you stated the presenter never should have banged the hive. If the presenter knew ahead of time the bees were going to be that irate he could have made minor changes in his presentation with a little forethought and made sure nobody was stung.  I'm sure that everybody there would have understood if he verbally walked them through it without actually applying the sugar if he explained he had to do it that way because some weren't protected and the crowding.. The cumulative effect of this presenters blatant disregard for common sense and common courtesy left a bad taste in more than one mind that day. Alot of the people there that were less than impressed didn't get stung and DID have protective gear on. My wife and I were at another presentation when all this happened without protective gear and managed to to remain sting free all day. ;)
Every man looks at his wood pile with a kind of affection- Thoreau

Offline reinbeau

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Re: Benadryl Question
« Reply #42 on: July 02, 2009, 08:10:58 pm »
Of course people should have had their protective gear on, if they had it, but the presenter should have looked around at his audience and seen the number of people there that had no veils - and adjusted his presentation accordingly.  Should an apology be given?  I don't think so, necessarily, but actions should be taken to make sure it doesn't happen again.