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Author Topic: Robbing Peter to pay Paul  (Read 1527 times)

Offline Shawn

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Robbing Peter to pay Paul
« on: July 02, 2009, 02:50:27 am »
Well I checked on my my new package of bees today and found no eggs, no larvae, no capped brood, NOTHING. I have had them in since the end of April and they did have brood at one point. This was the hive I started out at foundationless and switched to the plastic frames. They are building and the few founstaionless frames I left them are built out almost perfect. It seems they are packing in honey where the brood use to be. I took a frame of brood that was on both sides (few eggs, all sizes of larvae, and capped brood) and put in with the package.

My other two hives are alos packing in the honey like crazy. The hive I got in March has the bottom deep and almost the top deep full of honey, except for the brood area. The other hive that was not building on the plastic frames is now starting to fill the frames with honey. I was trying to check the bottom and had a hard time pulling off the top deep because it weighed so much. I now see what people say about having deeps as supers.

Offline Brian D. Bray

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Re: Robbing Peter to pay Paul
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2009, 12:52:11 am »
Stick a frame of brood from one of your other hives into your package hive and see what happens.
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Offline Shawn

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Re: Robbing Peter to pay Paul
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2009, 02:56:36 am »
Yea I did that. Ill check on it on my next days off. Hopefully they will raise a queen. Strange that two years, two packages, both from the same place and the queen is gone within the first 2 months.