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Author Topic: Cutout... got any tips?  (Read 8207 times)

Offline G3farms

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Re: Cutout... got any tips?
« Reply #20 on: May 10, 2009, 11:34:30 am »
Sounds like you found every kind of bee except honey bees.

Now take the wifey out to eat some place nice.

those hot bees will have you steppin and a fetchin like your heads on fire and your keister is a catchin!!!

Bees will be bees and do as they please!

Offline SgtMaj

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Re: Cutout... got any tips?
« Reply #21 on: May 10, 2009, 11:49:23 am »
You got that right... every last thing but a honey bee.  Thing is, I am positive they had them in that garage at some point last year.  The wife of the guy said she had bumped the wall last year and they came out and were flying all around her but never stung her... yellow jackets would have stung, and they definately knew the difference between honey bees and bumble-bees.  Plus they live just a mile or so away from a large commercial apiary (that winery and apiary up in Caryville where they make just about every kind of mead imaginable).