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Author Topic: I just checked on them...  (Read 1436 times)

Offline zzen01

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I just checked on them...
« on: April 28, 2009, 06:29:31 pm »
I just went up and checked on them. One hive looked like they had started to build comb on the lid(i scrapped it off). I looked at the bottom and saw the queen and saw eggs in comb.  The other one wasn't as aggressive and didn't have much comb built but I did see the queen and saw some eggs. O and I did get stung on the chin(I am now an official Beek!) I guess that now I know what smoke is for(I didn't use any)(pretty stupid huh)! Any further advice?

Offline Hethen57

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Re: I just checked on them...
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2009, 08:51:44 pm »
Congratulations on your new hives!  I noticed the same thing with my two hives...they have totally different personalities and work ethics.  One is more mellow and not taking as much syrup, but bringing in a ton of pollen and lots of activity at the entrance, the other one is more agressive, taking in twice as much syrup, but not as active in the field...it will be interesting to see how the each produce down the road...then when my Carnie queens repopulate the hives, they will probably take on new personalities again. 

How does your chin look after your Beek initiation...like a comic book "superhero" chin...haha?

Offline zzen01

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Re: I just checked on them...
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2009, 10:11:49 pm »
I don't know if it was a real sting or not my wife didn't see a stinger and it was real quick kinda like a light "jab" with a sewing needle.

