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Author Topic: Doesn't it make you mad?  (Read 1932 times)

Offline SlickMick

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Doesn't it make you mad?
« on: March 31, 2009, 05:40:21 am »
This afternoon I got a call to collect a swarm. I didn't know if I would be able to get to it from the description of where it was but because it was close I said that I would go and have a look at it and see if I could something about it at another time.

Well the story unfolded.

In the vacant lot beside the house was this enormous tree that loppers came in to cut down. It has had a colony in it for the past 6 years, so what did the loppers do, they cut the tree down, destroyed the colony, bagged the comb into 6-7 shopping bags and tried to burn the rest. The lady of the house tore strips off them and called the city council. In the meanwhile the loppers and comb disappeared and the bees that were left alive absconded and found a temporary in the lady's yard about 12 feet off the ground on a branch.

Of course when I said I would have a look at it I did not expect to be able to get to it so all I took was my veil. So I had to scrounge a box, a saw and some tape. I was able to cut the branch at its base until it gently swung down to where I could grab it and then cut the rest of it off.

I was able to put the cut down branch into a beer box and we sat around chatting until the rest of the girls had found the box. So it seems that I have a small colony, queen included although I have yet to see her. I am inclined to attempt to save the colony rather than combine it with another as it is apparent that this queen has been quite vigorous in her laying to be able to build a colony such as it must have been. I am going to give it some brood from the other colonies that I have in the morning and set it up in a nuc. Hopefully I will be able to rebuild what must have once been a fine colony.

Tree loppers... ggrrrrrrr!

Offline BjornBee

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Re: Doesn't it make you mad?
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2009, 09:44:11 am »
Not sure why your upset with the tree loppers. Were they suppose to put the job on hold and wait for a beek to show up? Or is it the tree cutting that has you upset?

I know if I had a tree company and was paying a crew of say 4 or 5 guys, the last thing that would happen would be for them to do nothing that day for a swarm of bees. Scheduling crews involves coordinating being at a particular site on a particular day. Maybe they had nowhere else to go and this day would of been a waste if not for this job getting done.

Tree loppers are getting paid to do a job. Some trees need to be removed for many reasons. But are they to stop work if a swarm happens to be in the tree? If you said yes, that's because your a beekeeper. Should they also call the bluebird foundation if a nest is found? Should they wait for the hatchlings to depart and put the tree job on hold a couple weeks? I know if I radioed out to the job and the foreman told me the guys were taking a several hour break while they waited for a beek to show up, or they returned and told me they did nothing that day because a nest was in the tree and they could not hurt the birdies....I'd be looking for a new crew. Sounds harsh...but that is what would happen.
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Online Kathyp

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Re: Doesn't it make you mad?
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2009, 11:11:12 am »
slickmick, i learned my lesson last year about keeping some equipment with  me.  got a call to pick up a swarm clear across town from where i was, which was 20 miles from my home.  by the time i had gone home and then made a trip double the miles it would have been, i wasted the day to pick up one small swarm.  turned out they were worth it.

now i carry just a few things with me.  enough to grab an easy swarm.  the heavy duty cutout stuff stays in the truck  :-)
Someone really ought to tell them that the world of Ayn Rand?s novel was not meant to be aspirational.

Offline dpence

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Re: Doesn't it make you mad?
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2009, 04:01:20 pm »
I find myself carrying a little equipment as well.  Last year I had a call and as mentioned I had to go home and pickup some essential items.  By the time I got there, the swarm had zoomed.  Duct tape and a card board box....would have been all I needed.   :(  Live and learn.


Offline SlickMick

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Re: Doesn't it make you mad?
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2009, 09:20:46 pm »
BjornBee, I'm just disappointed with the senseless way that the loppers attacked the colony. I understand what you mean with your comments but I do think that they could have done the job a bit more intelligently and with a bit more sensitivity.


Offline JP

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Re: Doesn't it make you mad?
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2009, 09:52:14 pm »
Mick, look at it this way. You didn't have to cut into the tree to remove that colony, that's quite an undertaking especially so considering the size of that colony.

Don't be upset with me when I say this but the loppers saved you a lot of labor and you got the bees to boot.

Nurse 'em good Mick!

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Offline SlickMick

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Re: Doesn't it make you mad?
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2009, 10:36:15 pm »
Of course you are right JP and it is a nice little colony. I housed them in a nuc this morning with a frame of brood/honey and 3 frames of foundation. I'll go out this afternoon and bring in a full frame of brood from a hive that I have at my archery club. That should give them a good start. It will be interesting just how long it takes the queen to fill the nuc with brood.

