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Author Topic: farmers market is almost over  (Read 3886 times)

Offline bill

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farmers market is almost over
« on: August 27, 2005, 03:30:55 pm »
well The farmers market is about over. today I sold at thefarmers market It was flooded with tomato. some of the sellers are just pedlars pretending to be farmers. but the income from it has been going down since school started. It always does. there was a plethara of tomatoes. i brought home unsold tomatoes but At least I sold all my watermelons and cantelopes. peppers , eggplants, our market is supposed to be all locally grown stuff. the next town to us, Big springs, had a market last year but it broke up because of the pedlars, so they migrated to our market. they have left us aone for years but now they are back. We watch what goes into the market and inspect the farm if it dies't strike us that it  was locally grown. but anyway our customers are pretty astute and They for the most part stay with the local farmers. I will now plant fall green beans and lots of greens for our pick your own business. we did quite well this year but it has slowed a lot so I will move on to the fall stuff

Offline jill

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« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2006, 11:41:06 am »
we have that same problem with Farmers markets in MN: I don't know how it can be allowed that anyone can call themselves a Farmer. I cannot call myself a doctor or lawyer and not get in big trouble for fraud. I am a Farmer and resent that imposters give us Farmers a bad name by doing this, and are destroying Farmers markets. An even bigger problem is the big businesses misuing the term "Farmer". I'd like to find a GOOD lawyer who can represent us on this misrepresentation, and other true Farmers who would want to keep thier good name.

Offline bill

  • House Bee
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farmers market is almost over
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2006, 12:11:02 pm »
hey jill
  I have had a terrible year at the farmers market this year . I have had some other adventures with my health. your answer to that entry  made me look at you farm operation. It is very difficult to grow tomatoes as we live in an enviromen similar to the sahara desert. Not really but close lol anyway nothing but the squash did well. Well I did have some luck with cantelopes and black diamonds. I have had my tractor wearing out plus I am less able each year to control the weeds. the second of next month is my seventieth birthday. your place is so beautiful. I have lived  in this semi arid place so long that when I travel to areas with large expanses of green and large bodies of wate it almost brings a tear to my eyes. I t looks as if you have built a great operation there.

Offline jill

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me too...
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2006, 01:00:17 pm »
I am sorry to hear you had such a bad year, especially when you say this at 70. It seems in the past 10 years that something has really changed (for the worse for Farmers). So we did write to Farmers Legal Action Group http://www.flaginc.org/
about the problem (we are looking for a legal definition).
and are waiting to hear back from them (and hopefully you can write them too, and/or tell your Farmer friends about FLAG). Hopefully if enough people write to them, something good can come of it and us real Farmers can survive. I thank you for that nice compliment about the farm, I agree it is my heaven and I want to keep it.

here is what we told Flag:

What is the definition of a Farmer???

   I am confused, perplexed, offended, and... bordering on angry!?
But,above all, I am a Farmer!!!
   I would like to know what the legal definition is, where I can find it;
as to what a Farmer is. I see a lot of, I feel, misrepresentation and abuse of the word Farmer. I see Farmers Markets at any given day and location.
 Looking closely, most, in the case of multiple venders markets, I do
not see if any, only a few Farmers. What there is, is Market Gardeners, Food Distributors, Retail businesses, etc, representing themselves and or
their interests as Farmers. This is also happening in Grocery stores,
through the use of small stands inside and at times outside the store fronts, advertising as a Farmers. I have also seen recently, a large food distributor advertising Farmers Market goods as part of their sales
list. In the items listed in their Farmers Market section, there are a few
farm direct items, most are from medium to large name brand food processors/suppliers. Yes, given most of the ingredients originate from a farm(s), they are no way farm fresh or direct.
   In the case of the local Farmers Markets, there are not only vendors as mentioned above, there is represented various arts and crafts that are not farm or farm related. Also retail products (ingredients) are purchased by
a consumer/vender/member of market are processed, repackaged and sold.
   As far as I understand, according to the occupation I state to the IRS
when filing taxes, I am a Farmer. My main source of income is
generated from the product(s) I produce myself on the farm. Also I have a farm registration
number, a feed lot permit, and a National Animal Identification Premises
   A farmer is a steward of the land, a breeder and grower of
livestock and a planter, cultivator and grower of crops. It would be very foolish and self defeating for a farmer(and I must say family farmer) to misuse, abuse, or neglect the very thing that is our sustenance, our livelihood. From the many laws, codes, regulations and licensing guidelines imposed, there are very few and very limited products I can direct market to the consumer from the farm. It has in some areas gone behind the point of being cost prohibitive, to, monetary loss is the only gain.
   I can not legally represent myself as...a doctor, a lawyer, or any other
 person in a field/profession but that of my own. How is it possible that
so many entities can say/represent themselves as Farmers? Is this, as I
have stated throughout, not misrepresentation through advertising and
sales,also misleading the public and consumer, by the use of fraudulent advertising and sales practices?
   What is the definition of, and where are the laws that protect me as a farmer, from the misuse of my title?

 :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry: