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Author Topic: My bees hate me!!!!  (Read 3971 times)

Offline hollybees

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My bees hate me!!!!
« on: August 02, 2008, 04:34:49 pm »
Hello everyone,

I just have to tell this story!! I wrote a post a called "angry bees" on 7/3/08

In that post I described the temperament of one of my hives and I got alot of great advise and encouragement and I'm grateful to have received it.

Some advised that I re-queen asap well I waited awhile and I just re-queened today.

These girls are downright scary.
I use all mediums and I have 3 brood and 2 full honey supers.
When I went in to get the queen I got lucky pulled off the 2 honey supers and found her in the top brood chamber this was Thurs around 5pm a little late I know but It was the earliest I Could get to it and it was the same day the new queen arrived.

I opened up the hive today w/good weather around 1pm. This time I wanted to check every frame for queen cells before installing the new queen. By the time I got to the last frame I was under full attack they got me 3 times thru my suit - I wear full suit and gloves or they would kill me.
Anyway I put the hive back together installing the new queen and watched the bees react to her and I saw no aggression toward her so that's good.

Well 30 min. later I was out by the barn which is a good 80 yards away and one or 2 must have been flying by me and caught my scent and came at me with no other intent but to attack.
I ran up to the house arms swinging like a little kid. (my wife loved it) i should have stood there and took the hit it would have more dignified.

I think they don't like breath! my suit needs a wash ,but it smells like smoke because I use the smoke on myself during inspection just to keep they off me somewhat.

So yes, they hate me.
I still respect them but when I go thru that hive It's all business... I try to be carefull not to kill to many but when your under attack the whole time ya just don't care as much!
I gotta get my job done.

I hope the new queen has a better nature....we'll see.
What advise do you have to mask odors w/something they don't get offended by.
I never got attacked by any humans because of my smell!!!
The truth is I don't think it would matter that much they are just aggressive, but I want to learn what I can do to smell better to them....so to speak.

Thanks for letting me vent a little about my bees!!!

Offline Pond Creek Farm

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Re: My bees hate me!!!!
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2008, 07:25:26 pm »
Look at this way, in a few weeks you'll meet a whole new hive. I lost a queen and re-queened earlier this year and was amazed at the difference in the behavior before and after.  I did not have devil bees like it sounds like you have now, but the two queens did produce a marked difference in attitude throughout the hive.  I thought it was kind of cool to observe.  Best of luck.

Offline Flygirl

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Re: My bees hate me!!!!
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2008, 07:36:28 pm »
Very interesting ~  thanks for sharing!  I have one hive that is more active & aggressive but nothing like what you're describing.  They like to head butt me but I haven't gotten stung.  Iwear a suit & veil too around this hive.

Someone on this site once menitioned chewing mint gum & tried that when I'm in the crazy hive & it does seems to work.  They don't try to run into my face...maybe the mint odor has a calming effect?  I don't smoke this hive as it seems to agitate them.

Good luck & I'm looking forward to your report on the change in their behavior.

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Offline hollybees

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Re: My bees hate me!!!!
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2008, 09:20:37 pm »
Look at this way, in a few weeks you'll meet a whole new hive. I lost a queen and re-queened earlier this year and was amazed at the difference in the behavior before and after.  I did not have devil bees like it sounds like you have now, but the two queens did produce a marked difference in attitude throughout the hive.  I thought it was kind of cool to observe.  Best of luck.

Yeah, I'm very intrested in observing the difference and hopeful for a change.
It was good to re-queen....anything to gain more experience.
Thanks for the support

Offline SgtMaj

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Re: My bees hate me!!!!
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2008, 12:57:29 am »
If you really wanted to, you could pick up a good mask for around $25, then turn the one-way valve upside down on it to force your exhaled breath out through the chemical filters.  The mint gum does seem like an easier and tastier solution if it works though.

Offline EasternShore

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Re: My bees hate me!!!!
« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2008, 01:47:57 pm »
I've been told to spray my girls with a solution of sugar water ( NEW SPRAYER) everytime I go in, in addition to smoke. Tried it and they like it, they begin grooming each other and forget all about me. Also is helpful for swarms if you are trying to limit their ability to fly, without hurting them.
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Offline Michael Bush

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Re: My bees hate me!!!!
« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2008, 02:10:46 pm »
The main thing that is going to help is the new queen.  Sometimes they calm down almost immediately (which leads me to believe it's more the pheromones from the queen than the genetics of the workers).  Sometimes it will take a few weeks, but either way that's the real solution to the issue. You can wash your clothes more, wash your bee suit more.  You can stop eating bananas.  But all in all, the real solution is the one you already implemented.
My website:  bushfarms.com/bees.htm en espanol: bushfarms.com/es_bees.htm  auf deutsche: bushfarms.com/de_bees.htm  em portugues:  bushfarms.com/pt_bees.htm
My book:  ThePracticalBeekeeper.com
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Offline SgtMaj

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Re: My bees hate me!!!!
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2008, 12:26:01 pm »
I've been told to spray my girls with a solution of sugar water ( NEW SPRAYER) everytime I go in, in addition to smoke. Tried it and they like it, they begin grooming each other and forget all about me. Also is helpful for swarms if you are trying to limit their ability to fly, without hurting them.

That's not a bad idea... namely because it encourages the grooming which couldn't hurt for getting rid of some mites.

Offline dpence

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Re: My bees hate me!!!!
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2008, 12:59:12 pm »
I have used the sugar water spray too, it works well.  Definitely a new queen can change the temperament of a hive.  Good luck.


Offline WayneW

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Re: My bees hate me!!!!
« Reply #9 on: August 04, 2008, 01:08:20 pm »
I have used the sugar water spray too, it works well.  Definitely a new queen can change the temperament of a hive.  Good luck.


What ratio of sugar to water, is it a 1:1 mix?
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Offline dpence

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Re: My bees hate me!!!!
« Reply #10 on: August 04, 2008, 01:47:21 pm »
2:1 water/sugar will work, just enough to get them sticky.  Make sure you wash out your sprayer when you're done, otherwise it will plug up. 

Offline Scadsobees

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Re: My bees hate me!!!!
« Reply #11 on: August 04, 2008, 01:50:46 pm »
Also, a queenless hive will usually be more aggressive.  So if you have a hot, now queenless hive, they are probably going to be bonkers.

Whenever I have to do anything invasive to certain of my hives, I'll have a bee or two that will be on the prowl for me.  Since a requeening, it has gotten better for me too.  Now if they come after me I'll wave my hand around and catch the attacking bee in my hand and sacrifice a sting rather than have her pestering me all day.

It does take a while for a turnaround, upwards of 6 weeks before its all better.


