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Author Topic: Need advice on buying established hives  (Read 1408 times)

Offline chris8126

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Need advice on buying established hives
« on: July 09, 2008, 02:52:48 am »
I might have an opportunity to buy the bees from two established hives.  I don't know really any details on their exact condition other than both hives have bees and I will find out more before buying them, the person that took care of them had been ill for several years and recently died.  His son said he thought the bees in one of the two died off in the winter but a swarm must have replenished it.  He also did say that the hives were rotting and going to start falling apart.  If I moved the bees, possibly next spring as long as the hives will last that long, to hives that I had what should I offer to pay the son for them.  I probably would want to offer him some money.  He has no interest in beekeeping and I decided to take it up as a hobby so I thought this would be a good place to get bees to start.  I have ordered a suit and some equipment and planned on maybe just trying to maintain his hives in place for now, moving them might be a problem if the hives are rotten.  Should I try to get an experienced beekeeper to show me the ropes or just dig in a hive and learn as I go.

Offline indypartridge

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Re: Need advice on buying established hives
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2008, 07:23:21 am »

Here's what I recommend:
1. Call Kathleen Prough, our State Apiary Inspector. Have her inspect the hives before you buy them. You can reach her at 317.232.4120 or email at: kprough@dnr.IN.gov
Kathleen is very helpful, and will be able to offer you sound advice regarding the health of the bees and the condition of the hives.

2. Get involved with a local beekeeping club. Clubs often offer beginning beekeeping classes and are great places to find mentors and get connected with nearby beekeepers. There are a couple of clubs that may be near you:

Wabash Valley Beekeepers (Jasper, Bloomfield area)
contact: John Burris 812-863-2033, lyonesse@bluemarble.net

Southwestern Beekeepers' Association (Evansville area)
contact: Kim Fromm 812-983-3300, mail@houseonthehillfarm.com

3. The Indiana State Beekeepers Association holds it's Beginning Beekeeping School in conjuction with it's fall meeting. I think the date is Oct 18th, and will be held in the Indy area (either the Indy Ivy Tech campus or Danville fairgrounds). Keep an eye on the website: www.hoosierbuzz.com

4. Feel free to send me a message if you have any Indiana-specific questions.

