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Author Topic: Accidental Human Swarm Trap  (Read 3368 times)

Offline Vetch

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Accidental Human Swarm Trap
« on: May 23, 2008, 12:22:13 am »
Got up this morning a bit late, ate and showered, got dressed and ready to rush off to work. I often apply a drop of an essential oil before heading out (sandalwood and ambergris are my favorites but it all depends).  A week or two ago I bought a bottle of lemon grass oil after reading about the swarm traps and nasonov pheromones here.  I figured it was a quick 6 seconds between the front door and car, and my bees haven't arrived, so I dabbed a tiny bit of lemon grass oil on me.  Went to pour my coffee, wife still asleep, and I noticed that the compost can was filled and overflowing.  Having completely forgotten about the lemon grass oil, I grab it and trudged out to the compost pile way back near the property line.

I headed back to the house and thought I felt something in my hair.  Nah, just paranoia, I'm thinking until I get to the door, hear a loud buzzing, and feel it moving in my hair.  I am now a firm believer in the power of lemon grass for attracting bees, wasps, or whatever the heck it was - I brushed it off and stepped inside (quickly) and didn't see it. Didn't need any coffee - I was wide awake, fully adrenalinized. 

