Beemaster's International Beekeeping Forum

MEMBER BULLETIN BOARD => PHOTO PAGE - MEMBER PHOTOS & BEE-MOVIES HERE! => Topic started by: Cindi on January 21, 2007, 12:21:01 pm

Title: Fragrant winter orchid
Post by: Cindi on January 21, 2007, 12:21:01 pm
Several years ago I was at a garden centre and asked for a fragrant orchid. The merchant said that most orchids he knew of had no fragrance, but he did have one that that a fragrance of vanilla. I babied this plant for about 5 years, misting it every day, it sat on my west facing kitchen windowsill above my sink, so this was a simple matter to remember to mist. Last February this lovely plant produced little tiny flowers, reminding me visually of something similar to a snapdragon. This plant produced flowers for probably close to two months and the fragrance was one that was beyond belief. I can liken the aroma to that of matthiola bicornis, AKA, night scented stock. If anyone has ever grown this lovely annual, you will know the heady, intense and intriguing fragrance that emits once the evening shade comes about. If you have never grown night scented stock, I strongly urge you to get some seed and grow it, you will never regret the scent of this plant nor will you ever forget it.

So, getting back to the "orchid", lets see if someone out there can identify what it actually is, I am certainly more than curious. I split this plant this year several times, as it was actually doing this itself, with little roots growing along the bottom of several stem parts, it was begging to be propogated.

Right now I do not see any flower buds growing, but not to say that it won't.  I just hope it is not one of those plants that only blooms every few years.  Because there is nothing on earth like a plant that emits a fragrance nothing short of summertime blooms in the wintertime.  Please enjoy this picture.  Great day.  Cindi

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Title: Re: Fragrant winter orchid
Post by: Niwatori on January 22, 2007, 06:14:57 pm

If you don't know the variety now you may never find the name,other then go back to the supplier. There are ten's of thousands of crosses. It sort of looks like a Laeliocattleya (LC) or a Brassolaeliocattleya (BLC). These are broad terms for crosses of these types of orchids. Like I said, too many to identify to a particular cross.

Good luck,

Title: Re: Fragrant winter orchid
Post by: Cindi on January 22, 2007, 10:32:17 pm
The supplier no longer operates a nursery.  There is no one to ask about the variety.  Oh well, all I can do is be grateful for this plant of beauty that I possess.  I can't wait to see if it blooms again come the middle of February.  Thank you for the information, I no absolutely nothing of the orchid family.  Great day.  Cindi