Beemaster's International Beekeeping Forum

MEMBER BULLETIN BOARD => GREETINGS/TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF => Topic started by: bee whisper on September 23, 2006, 08:42:29 pm

Title: New beekeeper,and member
Post by: bee whisper on September 23, 2006, 08:42:29 pm
Hi from Western N.C!
This was my first year as a bee keeper.I went very well.I received 2 nucs in April.I was lucky enough to meet a guy at the bee club that raises Russians. They are very gentle bees.I got 3 medium suppers off of each of them.Without a extractor that is a lot of work.I hope to go to the bee school in Ashville in Janury.Well I am gladd I found this site,hope to talk to you soon.
Title: New beekeeper,and member
Post by: pdmattox on September 28, 2006, 10:55:27 pm
Sounds like a great year for you and the bees.  Welcome aboard.
Title: New beekeeper,and member
Post by: Mici on September 29, 2006, 03:03:10 pm
Title: New beekeeper,and member
Post by: beemaster on September 29, 2006, 04:09:39 pm
Welcome aboard :)

I spent much of my teenage years raising chickens in a farm belonging to my Aunt and Uncle in Weldon (near Faison, Roanoke Rapids) 16,000 in 8 weeks and start all over. It truly was interesting.

Anyway - just wanted to welcome you to our forums - I do my best to stay away from "MY FORUMS" or other personal possessive terms about the website - without members this site would be just another beekeeping site, but with them, it is one of the friendliest places I know to go.

Quick side note: many of the members now get together on VOICE CHAT and we play interactive hi-res games like Tiger Woods Gold, Nascar Racing and soon to com some other multiplayer games.

But the big point is that we can talk and type LIVE TIME - and for those who don't have a mic or use an operating system where voice doesn't work well, we have TEXT CHAT that actually SPEAKS in a computerized voice for the member so he/she can participate equally as well.

Thanks for joining, have fun here and good Wintering