Beemaster's International Beekeeping Forum

BEEKEEPING LEARNING CENTER => GENERAL BEEKEEPING - MAIN POSTING FORUM. => Topic started by: van from Arkansas on March 30, 2020, 06:02:04 pm

Title: Small Hive Beetle excluder/trap entrance.
Post by: van from Arkansas on March 30, 2020, 06:02:04 pm
Pic of PVC entrance.  Works on the principle that beetles cannot hoover, thus cant enter the hive thur the pipe.  This hive is completely sealed with silicone and bottom screwed to hive body.

New to me.  Thought I would give this type of entrance a try.  Idea from BeeMaster, BenFrame post.

Title: Re: Small Hive Beetle excluder/trap entrance.
Post by: van from Arkansas on March 30, 2020, 06:04:58 pm

This is a beetle trap.  I pulled out the tray for the picture.  Again, new to me and thought I would try.  Also, idea from BeeMaster, same post by BenFramed.
Title: Re: Small Hive Beetle excluder/trap entrance.
Post by: van from Arkansas on March 30, 2020, 06:14:01 pm
Trap entrance above, note the small ledge the beetles crawl under and fall into the trap.
Title: Re: Small Hive Beetle excluder/trap entrance.
Post by: Ben Framed on March 30, 2020, 09:13:02 pm
Thank you Mr Van. I hope this works. I will post the video where I found this. Langford says the SHB have a hard shell and can not walk down the pipe and simply go inside because of its hard, unbendable shell. They can not pivot and bend into the turn and will simply fall to the ground. "I have watched them do this," he said.

I am wondering; If we were to sharpen, the edge of the pvc fitting, making it even thinner at the edge, shouldn't it make it even harder for the SHB to enter? This should up our odds of keeping them out if so. I am also wondering if we were to place the entrance fitting at a 90 instead of a forty-five, this should also up the odds since SHB can not fly straight up? This should not hamper our bees from entering?

Mr Van, once we have trained our bees to use this passage, could we open the main entrance and place screen for ventilation where the main entrance is designed? Wouldn't this also work as a good anti-robbing entrance in that accord? Yet affording not entrance for either bee nor SHB in the screen area? I am thinking it will.
Robbers should naturally go to the (open) of the screen missing the true entrance? Along with running the SHB nuts! lol

Thank you for posting this.



Title: Re: Small Hive Beetle excluder/trap entrance.
Post by: Nock on March 30, 2020, 09:14:10 pm
Those look great. I hope they work well.
Title: Re: Small Hive Beetle excluder/trap entrance.
Post by: Ben Framed on March 30, 2020, 09:36:33 pm
In reply to my own post, referring to a ninety instead of a  fourth-five. Langford might have already experimented and found this is the best route. (45) I need to watch the video again myself! Lol

Title: Re: Small Hive Beetle excluder/trap entrance.
Post by: van from Arkansas on March 30, 2020, 09:48:18 pm
Phil, I did grind the edge of the pvc 45.  I used a Dremmel motor tool to sharpen the blunt end of the entrance fitting so the edge is crisp.

I also installed the round disc that is vented, closed, queen excluded or open on the side of the nuc, not shown in the pic.  I did not consider the screen entrance as you mentioned.  If you build such, you can apply the screen entrance and we could compare out assessments next Fall.
Title: Re: Small Hive Beetle excluder/trap entrance.
Post by: Ben Framed on March 30, 2020, 11:15:33 pm
Mr Van. Your plan is a good one. I am happy to corporate and compare our success this fall. (Hopeful success anyway). By then we should know first hand about these SHB control methods. The demmel tool was a good idea. I think I will construct a couple of these with 45s and a couple with 90 degree fittings as well and see how that works out. It may be that 45 may be the only route. We shall see.  :happy:  Keep up the good work.


Title: Re: Small Hive Beetle excluder/trap entrance.
Post by: Ben Framed on March 30, 2020, 11:42:44 pm
Something else that I have thought about Mr Van. Last year I witnessed a SHB enter one of my hives between the top and the edge of the top box. Now I would not have thought, that little, small, almost minute crack would have made a
difference, but it did. I looked with a flashlight and was amazed that the gap I could see was wide enough for a SHB to enter because it looked hopeless for the SHB but it did enter, they are flat enough that it does not take much room for them to enter. This is a problem that we will have to overcome, looking for any crack or gap anywhere in our hive from top to bottom or the pest will surely enter like walking in on the red carpet.


Title: Re: Small Hive Beetle excluder/trap entrance.
Post by: Bob Wilson on April 02, 2020, 07:29:35 am
Guys. I am running the same experiment with a regular tpp entrance hive, and second one with the Gaurdian beetle entrance. I also, Phillip, think about the cracks, considering that I have 4 top boards, butted end to end, on top of each hive. It may nullify my experiment.
Title: Re: Small Hive Beetle excluder/trap entrance.
Post by: Seeb on April 02, 2020, 09:36:14 am
Very enthusiastic about y'alls experiments. Will continue to follow this thread for the latest SHB updates. Thank you for sharing
Title: Re: Small Hive Beetle excluder/trap entrance.
Post by: Ben Framed on April 02, 2020, 05:47:19 pm
> I have 4 top boards, butted end to end, on top of each hive. It may nullify my experiment.

Bob are the top boards joined to one another in a rigid way or just a simple butted up to one another way. The reason I ask, if they are rigid, (joined together permanently)  you may be able to use painters calk to seal the cracks? This is what my plan is on my solid tops. A cheap thin coat of calk will seal it yet be an easy access when it is time to go inside. A painters tool scrolled across the calk should easily free the tops up once more? I?m not talking about the silicone type calk, but the old time inexpensive cheap type. Lol

Title: Re: Small Hive Beetle excluder/trap entrance.
Post by: sc-bee on April 02, 2020, 05:58:26 pm
First I will admit I did not read all the post. Some may know this but the first SHB detected in the US were in SC and of course near a port city. Saying that some of the first trap designs good or bad were designed and tested in the SC area. Testing was done early on the PVC pipe method and much smaller that the size pictured. It was deemed not effective....but maybe you will figure something out they did not? Good Luck...
Title: Re: Small Hive Beetle excluder/trap entrance.
Post by: van from Arkansas on April 02, 2020, 07:53:58 pm
SC-Bee, I appreciate the information.  I will keep everyone informed.  By July, we will know if this larger size PVC without landing board is effective.  Again, thanks for the input.

Title: Re: Small Hive Beetle excluder/trap entrance.
Post by: Ben Framed on April 02, 2020, 08:53:59 pm
I also thank you for the information. I wonder if the first ones who tried this knew how imperative it is to seal up all cracks and the tiniest openings?  I learned of the pvc portals form Woolie bees. A fellow from East Tennessee. I posted the video above.  Check it out when you get the chance. Thanks for your input.
