Beemaster's International Beekeeping Forum

BEEKEEPING LEARNING CENTER => GENERAL BEEKEEPING - MAIN POSTING FORUM. => Topic started by: Van, Arkansas, USA on May 06, 2018, 03:30:57 pm

Title: 24 out of 24 hives ALL DEAD!
Post by: Van, Arkansas, USA on May 06, 2018, 03:30:57 pm
Central Arkansa, experienced beekeeper with 100 plus hives in several bee yards.  One yard with 24 hives was weed eater, trimmed the grass on Wednesday, all 24 hives healthy.  Two days later same yard, a hive check revealed all 24 hives dead.  Double handful of dead honey bees at each hive entrance.

Next to this bee yard is planted corn.  The farmer denied using pesticides on the corn.  Herbicides are suspected. The State has dead bee samples so in 3 weeks we should know more.

Very sad.
Title: Re: 24 out of 24 hives ALL DEAD!
Post by: Dallasbeek on May 06, 2018, 03:54:53 pm
Wow!  That's really a blow, Van.  Sorry to hear that.  Sure sounds like pesticide to me. 
Title: Re: 24 out of 24 hives ALL DEAD!
Post by: LizzieBee on May 06, 2018, 04:53:20 pm
Oh no! That?s terrible.

Title: Re: 24 out of 24 hives ALL DEAD!
Post by: Acebird on May 06, 2018, 08:26:12 pm
Ouch.  Sure sounds like a poison but who is at fault?
Title: Re: 24 out of 24 hives ALL DEAD!
Post by: Van, Arkansas, USA on May 06, 2018, 08:35:29 pm
I am to blame, for buying the corn.
Title: Re: 24 out of 24 hives ALL DEAD!
Post by: BeeMaster2 on May 06, 2018, 09:00:36 pm
Hope you are not talking about your bees.
Around here this past year the mosquito spraying was killing thousands of hives and getting people sick.
Title: Re: 24 out of 24 hives ALL DEAD!
Post by: Van, Arkansas, USA on May 06, 2018, 10:33:39 pm
Thanks for asking Master Jim, the answer is no they were not my bees.
Title: Re: 24 out of 24 hives ALL DEAD!
Post by: Bush_84 on May 07, 2018, 12:05:10 am
I?ve heard dust from planting can be an issue. I?d imagine you guys are a ways past planting down south.  They are just getting to it up here.
Title: Re: 24 out of 24 hives ALL DEAD!
Post by: BeeMaster2 on May 07, 2018, 08:43:28 am
The seeds of corn are coated with a very sticky substance, neonicitonatinoids sp. I order to get the seeds to go through the planter they add talcum power. Lots of it. When they are planting, the dust blows everywhere. It kills any hive down wind and it gets in the soil. It is a systematic poison so it also comes back up in the weeds and is in their nectar. A bid double whammy.
Title: Re: 24 out of 24 hives ALL DEAD!
Post by: Bush_84 on May 07, 2018, 09:05:40 am
I live in a very agricultural area. Mostly corn with some soybeans. Sporadic wheat or sunflower. I?ve yet to have any issue from it. That doesn?t mean it won?t happen eventually however.
Title: Re: 24 out of 24 hives ALL DEAD!
Post by: JackM on May 07, 2018, 09:21:56 am
What a shame.  I would be suing a farmer
Title: Re: 24 out of 24 hives ALL DEAD!
Post by: djgriggs on May 07, 2018, 10:25:36 pm
I hate to hear about that.. I could not image loosing the two I have not even 24.
Title: Re: 24 out of 24 hives ALL DEAD!
Post by: Van, Arkansas, USA on May 07, 2018, 11:05:02 pm
What a shame.  I would be suing a farmer

As a fact there is at least one law suit I am aware of.  Farmer sprayed a Monsanto herbicide on his/her Monsanto gmo crop. The herbicide drifted onto a pecan orchard and killed trees.  This is pending litagation in Arkansas so I do not know the outcome.
Title: Re: 24 out of 24 hives ALL DEAD!
Post by: Ben Framed on May 07, 2018, 11:40:45 pm
What a shame.  I would be suing a farmer

As a fact there is at least one law suit I am aware of.  Farmer sprayed a Monsanto herbicide on his/her Monsanto gmo crop. The herbicide drifted onto a pecan orchard and killed trees.  This is pending litagation in Arkansas so I do not know the outcome.

To produce such a toxic product, should also be GREAT RESPONSIBILITY!! Does Monsanto sell to uneducated farmers who use their (toxic product) recklessly? Goodness!! A part of pecan orchard!! Honey bees?What other horror stories are out there that we the public do not  hear of? 

Title: Re: 24 out of 24 hives ALL DEAD!
Post by: moebees on May 08, 2018, 12:24:38 am
What a shame.  I would be suing a farmer

As a fact there is at least one law suit I am aware of.  Farmer sprayed a Monsanto herbicide on his/her Monsanto gmo crop. The herbicide drifted onto a pecan orchard and killed trees.  This is pending litagation in Arkansas so I do not know the outcome.

There is a case like this in Missouri involving peach trees.  Is that the one you are referring to or a separate one.  It involves Dicamba.
Title: Re: 24 out of 24 hives ALL DEAD!
Post by: Dallasbeek on May 08, 2018, 10:37:11 pm
The law says the USER has to follow the label directions.  If the user is stupid and fails to read and follow the label directions, he should be liable for the outcome.  Anything can be toxic if misused.  Not to say Monsanto has no liability in this world, but following the label directions to the letter is a dangerous practice, whether you are talking about agricultural chemicals, household chemicals or beekeeping chemicals.
Title: Re: 24 out of 24 hives ALL DEAD!
Post by: hrtull on May 09, 2018, 05:20:45 pm

It is a sad situation but Monsanto has control of the government and the food supply. They do as they want with a long list of politicians in there pocket. It started with Clarence Thomas. The conflict of interest is painted bright red, so obvious and it just goes on and on.  GMO labeling shot down by  by Monsantos MOAB money bomb. Every time  an obstacle gets in their way, somehow they come out on top.  I am not certain how bad gmo products actually are but in my opinion I am certain this company has way too much control, doing as they want. Its all about the money, a good old boy club.
Title: Re: 24 out of 24 hives ALL DEAD!
Post by: sjh on May 09, 2018, 09:27:39 pm
Corporate Greed I have found is the issue.
I worked in the wine industry for one of the largest players never mind the wildlife that was killed.
I was in a vineyard spraying fungicide ( in my air conditioned filtered cabin) when i noticed some contract workers on foot a couple of rows over removing shoots from vine stems of course  i stopped spraying only to be told by the supervisor to keep spraying as the withholding period was only 1 hour for the chemical.
What Hope do bees have!!!!

Title: Re: 24 out of 24 hives ALL DEAD!
Post by: Ben Framed on May 09, 2018, 10:47:17 pm
Corporate Greed I have found is the issue.
I worked in the wine industry for one of the largest players never mind the wildlife that was killed.
I was in a vineyard spraying fungicide ( in my air conditioned filtered cabin) when i noticed some contract workers on foot a couple of rows over removing shoots from vine stems of course  i stopped spraying only to be told by the supervisor to keep spraying as the withholding period was only 1 hour for the chemical.
What Hope do bees have!!!!


Just curious Steve, how often did you all do the fungicide spraying? How often did you spray other chemicals as well? Thanks Phillip 
Title: Re: 24 out of 24 hives ALL DEAD!
Post by: Ben Framed on May 09, 2018, 11:22:46 pm
Thanks for asking Master Jim, the answer is no they were not my bees.

Mr Van, I am glad that these were not your bees, but at the same time I feel sorrow for the person that these bees did belong to.. Not a good situation for anyone involved... Sincerely, Phillip
Title: Re: 24 out of 24 hives ALL DEAD!
Post by: sjh on May 09, 2018, 11:36:30 pm
Phillip the sprays were applied every 10 to 14 days and were mainly fungicide but you can not use the same Class of fungicide in succession so a different Class was used in rotation.
Herbicide was sprayed at the base of the vines to control weeds mainly Roundup but some weeds would become immune to Roundup so spray seed which is banned in the US was used.
They used to spray insecticide but that was before i worked there so can not say what was used.
The strange thing was around a lot of the vineyards Poplar trees were used as windbreaks these trees had hollows in them with Feral bees living in them quite happily.

Title: Re: 24 out of 24 hives ALL DEAD!
Post by: Ben Framed on February 24, 2024, 04:45:22 pm
Lets keep in mind the dangers our bees may face with the upcoming Spring. Pesticides may be one. This older topic is a good reminder.

Title: Re: 24 out of 24 hives ALL DEAD!
Post by: beesnweeds on February 25, 2024, 01:03:29 pm
Lets keep in mind the dangers our bees may face with the upcoming Spring. Pesticides may be one. This older topic is a good reminder.

Why? The OP never posted the test results.  So Im guessing it wasn't pesticides at all.  More likely IAPV, nosema, poor mite management, starvation or a combination.  My hives are less than a mile from a corn field for years, Ive never had a problem.
Title: Re: 24 out of 24 hives ALL DEAD!
Post by: gww on February 25, 2024, 01:50:40 pm
How old is this rejuvenated thread anyway?
Title: Re: 24 out of 24 hives ALL DEAD!
Post by: Ben Framed on February 25, 2024, 01:56:04 pm
Lets keep in mind the dangers our bees may face with the upcoming Spring. Pesticides may be one. This older topic is a good reminder.

Why? The OP never posted the test results.  So Im guessing it wasn't pesticides at all.  More likely IAPV, nosema, poor mite management, starvation or a combination.  My hives are less than a mile from a corn field for years, Ive never had a problem.

Beesnweeds Note: I did not say pesticides 'were the problem' in this particular case but may 'deserve consideration in the upcoming Spring'....  As I said "Lets keep in mind the dangers our bees may face with the upcoming Spring.Pesticides may be one. This older topic is a good reminder."
Naturally hive location will play a part..
Title: Re: 24 out of 24 hives ALL DEAD!
Post by: Ben Framed on February 25, 2024, 02:03:50 pm
How old is this rejuvenated thread anyway?

gww, We have had many new members join since this topic was hot. I did not have you or the older members in particular in mind when I bumped this topic, but the newer members who might find the conversation interesting.

Title: Re: 24 out of 24 hives ALL DEAD!
Post by: beesnweeds on February 25, 2024, 02:19:37 pm
Beesnweeds Note: I did not say pesticides 'were the problem' in this particular case but may 'deserve consideration in the upcoming Spring'....  As I said "Lets keep in mind the dangers our bees may face with the upcoming Spring.Pesticides may be one. This older topic is a good reminder."
Naturally hive location will play a part..
I get it, but the topic of the thread is pesticides.  Maybe start another thread.
Title: Re: 24 out of 24 hives ALL DEAD!
Post by: Ben Framed on February 25, 2024, 02:46:31 pm
Beesnweeds I revived the topic which includes all content, (all replies), for the benefit of our newer members. Pesticides have been discussed here several times since I have been a member.
I did not start a new topic, because this topic goes hand in hand, that 'pesticides' may be worth being aware of among other dangers to our bees (which I did not mention here, keeping the topic on track)....

You are correct, It is true that the 3 week update was never posted by Mr Van, but, from the OP I would hardly think Nosema or Mites killed the entire bee yard in just two days after being noted all 24 were healthy just 2 days prior... Again I did not revamp this topic so much for the benefit of older experienced beekeepers such as Yourself and Gww in particular, though 'some older' beekeepers such as yourselves might find the conversation interesting.

It for the benefit of our newer inexperienced beekeepers that I revamped the 'entire thread'. Some of which may find the topic interesting and note worthy. And if so, that was and is my goal..

From the OP:
24 out of 24 hives ALL DEAD!
>> on: May 06, 2018, 03:30:57 pm <<

Central Arkansa, experienced beekeeper with 100 plus hives in several bee yards.  One yard with 24 hives was weed eater, trimmed the grass on Wednesday, all 24 hives healthy.  Two days later same yard, a hive check revealed all 24 hives dead.  Double handful of dead honey bees at each hive entrance.

Next to this bee yard is planted corn.  The farmer denied using pesticides on the corn.  Herbicides are suspected. The State has dead bee samples so in 3 weeks we should know more.

Very sad.
Title: Re: 24 out of 24 hives ALL DEAD!
Post by: gww on February 25, 2024, 02:57:21 pm
older experienced beekeepers
You said this in reference to me?  Older yes but experienced ha, ha. :cool:
Title: Re: 24 out of 24 hives ALL DEAD!
Post by: Ben Framed on February 25, 2024, 03:04:15 pm
older experienced beekeepers
You said this in reference to me?  Older yes but experienced ha, ha. :cool:

Ha ha don't play possum you ole rascal:   :wink:  You post some good bee stuff!
Title: Re: 24 out of 24 hives ALL DEAD!
Post by: beesnweeds on February 25, 2024, 03:45:33 pm
You are correct, It is true that the 3 week update was never posted by Mr Van, but, from the OP I would hardly think Nosema or Mites killed the entire bee yard in just two days after being noted all 24 were healthy just 2 days prior... Again I did not revamp this topic so much for the benefit of older experienced beekeepers such as Yourself and Gww in particular, though 'some older' beekeepers such as yourselves might find the conversation interesting.

It for the benefit of our newer inexperienced beekeepers that I revamped the 'entire thread'. Some of which may find the topic interesting and note worthy. And if so, that was and is my goal..

We dont know the real condition of the hives or if they were all inspected and how they were managed.  The OP didnt own the hives.  As far as the colonies being wiped out in 48 hours by something other than chemicals, its totally possible.  You should contact some bee inspectors and ask their experience.  You'll be shocked. 

If I was newer inexperienced beekeeper my main takeaway from the thread would be "farmers are dumb or liars", "sounds like pesticides to me", "sue the farmer", "corporate greed", and so on without any proof it was in fact pesticides. Im not in that camp and certainly not saying it wasn't a pesticide, but I need proof and this is not a good example for new beekeepers.  Judging from this thread if I was a farmer I would try and never let beekeepers near my fields. 
Title: Re: 24 out of 24 hives ALL DEAD!
Post by: Ben Framed on February 25, 2024, 05:49:35 pm
> "We dont know the real condition of the hives or if they were all inspected and how they were managed."

OP said" "experienced beekeeper with 100 plus hives in several bee yards.  One yard with 24 hives was weed eater, trimmed the grass on Wednesday, all 24 hives healthy.  Two days later same yard, a hive check revealed all 24 hives dead. Double handful of dead honey bees at each hive entrance."

> "As far as the colonies being wiped out in 48 hours by something other than chemicals, its totally possible.  You should contact some bee inspectors and ask their experience.  You'll be shocked."

Yes I'd be shocked if within a 24 hour period, every single 'heathy hive'  in and apiary were all dead just 2 days after observance during a weed whacking event just two days prior,. showed that each hive was active and considered normal (healthy) by observance of the experienced beekeeper described. 
Posion? Very possible; a natural disease? 
Yes: Id be shocked.

Van did not post this topic to bash farmers even though some members were defensive of the beekeeper who had over 100 hives of bees at various locations and lost the entire apiary in the one next to the corn planting in just 2 days..

Out of the 30 post; Jack M said he would be suing a farmer in Reply 10. That was his opinion. (I agree with you Beesnweeds as 'I do' on almost everything you post); Proof would be needed before such action should be taken in my opinion as well.

In response to Jack M; Van mentioned a lawsuit concerning Pecan Trees, (not bees) in reply 12 "The herbicide drifted into a pecan orchard and killed trees."

Moebees then mentioned a lawsuit concerning Peach Trees (again not bees) in reply 14  " There is a case like this in Missouri involving peach trees."

Dallasbeek 'an Attorney' immediately replied in the next post 15 not mentioning bees but chemical misuse in general.
The law says the USER has to follow the label directions. If the user is stupid and fails to read and follow the label directions, he should be liable for the outcome.  Anything can be toxic if misused.  Not to say Monsanto has no liability in this world, but following the label directions to the letter is a dangerous practice, whether you are talking about agricultural chemicals, household chemicals or beekeeping chemicals.

Dallasbeek did not say a farmer, or any farmer was dumb, stupid, or a liar. He said if the the user is stupid. I don't recall anyone saying farmers were dumb or liars at anytime, please correct me if Im wrong. Nor did any person, or post, after Dallas mention lawsuits again until you did in post 30.

Continued mentioning of pesticides?

Title: Re: 24 out of 24 hives ALL DEAD!
Post by: beesnweeds on February 25, 2024, 07:08:56 pm
Sorry, just offering a different perspective.  Your right, Im wrong.  It was pesticides 100%.
Title: Re: 24 out of 24 hives ALL DEAD!
Post by: Ben Framed on February 26, 2024, 06:23:44 am
Thanks Beesnweeds, we never knew for certain it was chemicals 100 percent because the hinted to be update was not given with that proof. It was for this reason I agreed with you. "(I agree with you Beesnweeds as 'I do' on almost everything you post); Proof would be needed before such action should be taken in my opinion as well." I hope you can understand my intent of revamping this topic, as I have tried to explain the reason for it. I hope the of revamping this old topic was not lost in the debate. While I wish to thank you for your continued sharing of your extremely important beekeeping knowledge with each of us, which I hold in respect and admiration... I have learned much from you and your well rounded, good common sense beekeeping methods and ideas gained from your experience. When you speak, I listen!.. I sincerely thank you again.

Title: Re: 24 out of 24 hives ALL DEAD!
Post by: Bill Murray on February 26, 2024, 09:41:56 am
So a few years back I had a similar experience, there was a pretty good conversation here on beemaster, the bees were next to peanut fields. Needless to say after looking up the names of what peanuts are sprayed with I have yet to partake. But long story short other people had bees on them but there were contributing factors for mine.

I try to glance through all this stuff BEE related and if its interesting I read it. I value every opinion even if I disagree because bees are bees, mother nature is mother nature, someone else's management style may not be the same as mine, there may be contributing factors, etc.

When I first started keeping bees there was no interweb, there was a library. I didnt even know another beekeeper. I was buying Nucs from 4 hrs away. I killed a lot of bees figuring it out. Then along comes Varroa. Again I killed a lot of bees, and still dont have it all figured out. Sometimes I still do stuff that kills bees.

These conversation starters are good because things that are said may not always be set in stone. Two of the biggest misnomers are your bees died headfirst in a cell they starved, and if you have shotgun brood pattern your queens failing.

I just want to say again everything posted here is important in the long run, it makes us all think about what may or may not be happening around us.

Well that was long winded, its late and I have a lot to do