Beemaster's International Beekeeping Forum

BEEKEEPING LEARNING CENTER => GENERAL BEEKEEPING - MAIN POSTING FORUM. => Topic started by: derekNGA on April 03, 2018, 05:31:10 pm

Title: Swarm strangeness, help me understand
Post by: derekNGA on April 03, 2018, 05:31:10 pm
Strange set of events just happened and makes no sense to me out here.  A hive that swarm 2 weeks ago just swarm again.  Witnessed from beginning.  Captured the swarm and put into an empty hive.  All went well.  An hour later and it appears they do no like their new home.  Pouring out in swarm mode again.  As bees are still flying all around mode, I see a few building up on the ground a few feet beside hive.  Walk over and theres a queen on the ground.  But she has the half formed crinkled up wings.  Clearly she can not fly.  I pick her up and place in hive.  Bees start going back in and settling down.  Few minutes later back out and crinkled wing queen out on ground.  So, whats going on.  The queen Im seeing didnt fly to start the initial swarm that left and was 10 feet up a tree 30 yards from original hive. But how, where, what did she come from. Im a bit confused. Now it appears a few are staying with crinkled wing queen on the ground.  And its appearing the others have gone back to original hive and are about all back in now.  What a weird set of events I just seen.  Im still confused about crinkled wing queen. 
Title: Re: Swarm strangeness, help me understand
Post by: Oldbeavo on April 03, 2018, 05:48:35 pm
How big is the crinkled wing Queen, is she smaller than normal?
She might be the new queen that they don't like and have balled her and thrown her out?
If she is small there may have been 2 queens hatch, war, and she is the loser.
Have look in the hive in a few days and access the situation, do you have eggs? do you have a queen? do you have queen cells? Are they polishing expecting a queen to lay even though you may not have found her?
I also work on the principal that most of the time the bees know what they are doing.
Title: Re: Swarm strangeness, help me understand
Post by: AR Beekeeper on April 03, 2018, 05:51:20 pm
Another virgin queen has emerged in the colony and the virgin with the deformed wings is attempting to leave with a swarm to escape her.  If she stays in the hive the newly emerged queen will kill her.

The swarm 2 weeks ago was the original queen in the colony.  What you are seeing are afterswarms, they leave with virgins.  Very strong colonies will usually have an afterswarm every 8 or 9 days depending on the weather, with a total number from 3 to 9.  The last swarms will be the size of a small orange.
Title: Re: Swarm strangeness, help me understand
Post by: derekNGA on April 03, 2018, 05:53:51 pm
She looks like a normal sized queen.  Id say not smaller.
She didnt fly to 30 yards.  How she get there?  What happened to flying queen that left the original hive and swarmed and clustered in a tree?
Title: Re: Swarm strangeness, help me understand
Post by: derekNGA on April 03, 2018, 06:01:59 pm
I guess Im trying to say, how did a virgin queen with deformed wings just swarm, fly 30 yards away and cluster in a tree 10 feet up???? Theres no way the queen Im seeing done that.  Eitherway, the madness is now over.  All have gone back to original hive and only a handful is with the deformed wing queen. 
Title: Re: Swarm strangeness, help me understand
Post by: AR Beekeeper on April 03, 2018, 06:13:22 pm
The swarm goes and the queen follows, she could not fly, so when the swarm determined she was not with them they returned to the hive.  They will swarm when the next virgin is able to fly, so you need to get them split and all extra swarm cells removed.
Title: Re: Swarm strangeness, help me understand
Post by: derekNGA on April 03, 2018, 06:33:06 pm
Ahhh, ok, I thought it was right opposite....queen left and then others followed.  Hmmm, but still what now baffles me is how she got outside the hive I put the swarm into.  Its like she had to have been with them.  I dunno, guess Ill never figure that one out.
Title: Re: Swarm strangeness, help me understand
Post by: BeeMaster2 on April 03, 2018, 09:40:58 pm
Was there another hive near her location. She may have been kicked out of another hive or a bee in her hive carried her out of the hive and dropped her there. When the bees swarm, some of them are attractived to her pheromones.
I have seen one bee carry a full sized drone 30 feet from the hive make a 90 degree turn and fly another 30 feet and drop the drone into the far side of my pool.

Title: Re: Swarm strangeness, help me understand
Post by: LizzieBee on April 04, 2018, 02:23:33 am
It sounds like your crinkle winged queen may have gotten her crinkled wings from varroa mites. I?ve heard they can carry diseases that cause bees to have deformities and end up weaker.

Title: Re: Swarm strangeness, help me understand
Post by: Oldbeavo on April 04, 2018, 07:47:07 am
Varroa can carry the virus that causes deformed wings. you should find other bees with it.
I have seen a clump of bees on the side of the road, I stopped and there was a dead young queen at the bottom of the mini swarm. She probably got hit by a car and the other bees followed the pheromone.