Beemaster's International Beekeeping Forum

BEEKEEPING LEARNING CENTER => GENERAL BEEKEEPING - MAIN POSTING FORUM. => Topic started by: Florida Bee Rancher on August 28, 2016, 02:07:21 pm

Title: Small Hive Beetle Solution, that is inexpensive and easy
Post by: Florida Bee Rancher on August 28, 2016, 02:07:21 pm
Hi everyone,
  After years of suffering with comb damage and lost hives from the Small Hive Beetle, I finally found a way to keep them out of your hives for good. A simple strip cut from aluminum flashing and coated with Neverwet from Rustoleum Paints, then fastened to the bottom board with staples. I made a You Tube video explaining it step by step, (cut and paste link below to view). The only Hive Beetles I now see are on the outside the hive trying to get in and the Neverwet coated flange stops them. Make sure all cracks and openings are sealed and closed above the Neverwet coated flanges or they will find a way in. I caulk the seam between the hive body and bottom board and use 1/8" x 1/2" Polyethylene foam tape from Equal Seal between hive, supers and vent tops. This sounds like a lot of work but the coated strips last forever and the foam tape is easy to replace if needed.            You Tube Link;
Title: Re: Small Hive Beetle Solution, that is inexpensive and easy
Post by: Blacksheep on August 28, 2016, 04:21:34 pm
I have the aluminum strips in place and it has a 45% bend which sticks out  past the  3/4 inch spacer on the screen bottom board like a termite shield but no Never wet on it.It does help but some how a few still get in the hive.Our major attack is almost over I hope!
Title: Re: Small Hive Beetle Solution, that is inexpensive and easy
Post by: Florida Bee Rancher on August 28, 2016, 06:35:14 pm
Hello Blacksheep,

  It sounds like you have one of the angled flange designs that I tried in the video but they didn't work, the beetles easily crawled over them. "Good news" is they can be upgraded, just take them off and clean the baffles until they are bright and shinny, wash with acetone solvent, hang up and spray with Neverwet, let dry and reattach. Neverwet dries to a hard and permanent surface. One thing that I discovered after I made the video is that moisture will swell the wood in the bee hive causing small cracks between the hive and supers, you need to caulk the seam between the bottom board and hive body and I use 1/8" x 1/2" polyethylene foam tape between the hive body, supers and vent tops. This will close any cracks or openings above the coated flanges, if you don't the hive beetles will find an opening and get in your hive. I would make up 4 hives at a time, with coated flanges attached to the bottom boards and hive bodies staples to the bottom boards, caulked the seam and let dry. It was easier to transfer the bees and frames to the new flanged hive bodies than to attach the coated flanges and caulk seam with the bees in the hive. Now the only Hive Beetles I see are the ones on the outside trying to get in. This is where I buy my foam tape;   Good luck with your bees....
Title: Re: Small Hive Beetle Solution, that is inexpensive and easy
Post by: tjc1 on August 28, 2016, 07:26:41 pm
This is very interesting - thanks for the creativity, research and sharing. I rarely see a hive beetle up north here (I know, I'm fortunate). But I thought that I had read recently that the dang beetles actually travel (fly) with the bees in a swarm. Swarm or no, can't the beetles fly into the hive entrance?
Title: Re: Small Hive Beetle Solution, that is inexpensive and easy
Post by: Florida Bee Rancher on August 28, 2016, 07:42:51 pm

  The Neverwet coated flange sticks out 3/8" all away around on the entire inside of the hive, so the Small Hive Beetle may fly to your hive but the coated flange prevents them from crawling up the sides of your hive into your frames and comb. The Hive Beetles are confined to the solid or screened bottom board, as long as dead beetles or other debris doesn't build up to the flange the hive beetles can't crawl lover the Neverwet coated flange. 
Title: Re: Small Hive Beetle Solution, that is inexpensive and easy
Post by: rwlaw on August 29, 2016, 07:19:45 am
Great research and development! Thank you for sharing.
Have you tried making a 90 degree bend and attaching it to the sides of the BB so the 90 is facing inward? That would eliminate the hassle of sealing the boxes to the BB.
I just remembered, you can also get flashing in stainless steel, if that was used you wouldn't have to worry about electrolysis and corrosion at the fastener points.
Title: Re: Small Hive Beetle Solution, that is inexpensive and easy
Post by: Florida Bee Rancher on August 29, 2016, 12:59:44 pm

  The flat coated flanges overlap each other on the corners inside the hive body, this creates a continuous 3/8" coated flange edge inside. I caulk the seam between the hive body and bottom board to eliminate any small cracks that the hive beetle could fit through, believe me if there is "ANY" small crack above the coated flanges those pesty critters will find it. I use aluminum flashing to keep the cost down per hive, its cheaper to buy a box of stainless staples but thanks for the info....
Title: Re: Small Hive Beetle Solution, that is inexpensive and easy
Post by: Blacksheep on August 29, 2016, 05:52:19 pm
Thanks for the information!Yes I am using the small bend down flange and have it stapled on with ss staples.I just am working on a big hive box I saw on the bos forum and will change  it also.
I am also considering strongly going to the AZ hives!They are neat hives and have been used in Solivia for hundreds of years.
Title: Re: Small Hive Beetle Solution, that is inexpensive and easy
Post by: Florida Bee Rancher on August 29, 2016, 06:50:31 pm
I watched a video on the AZ hives it was interesting....
Title: Re: Small Hive Beetle Solution, that is inexpensive and easy
Post by: yes2matt on August 29, 2016, 07:57:24 pm
I watched a video on the AZ hives it was interesting....
That would be a neat way to use my trailer frame.
Title: Re: Small Hive Beetle Solution, that is inexpensive and easy
Post by: Matt J on August 30, 2016, 10:45:26 am
How does this work with Screened Bottom Boards and upper entrances?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Small Hive Beetle Solution, that is inexpensive and easy
Post by: Blacksheep on August 30, 2016, 12:07:45 pm
I am not sure about the beetle prevention in these hives!They don't have small hive beetles in Solovia so the only try to prevent mites from entering.I am going to Brian Debbers later this next month to see his hives which he is building.He  is located in Georgia close to Adairsville just off Interstate 75 which is 150 miles from my place.I am sure he has designed it to try to prevent the beetles from entering!
I think this is a great way for folks who have less than 20 hives.
I am going all out on it and building a small bee hive building.I think I can build the hives my self since I am a Old wood Butcher.I would like to see some and go from there.
I got out yesterday evening before dark and roughly staked the building out.
Title: Re: Small Hive Beetle Solution, that is inexpensive and easy
Post by: Florida Bee Rancher on August 30, 2016, 12:50:35 pm
Hi Matt J,

  These will work on any bottom board but the entrance must be below the Neverwet coated flanges. The coated flanges keep the Hive Beetle from crawling up the inside of your hive.
Title: Re: Small Hive Beetle Solution, that is inexpensive and easy
Post by: Matt J on September 01, 2016, 12:04:30 pm
So I guess that the beetles will not "fly" up onto the comb once in the hive?  And correct me if I am wrong, there is no strips attached to the vertical surface of the bottom board.  I lies flat on the horizontal surface and protrudes 3/8 inch into the hive?  Have you noticed any issues with the bees navigating the flanges?  Does both side of the strips need to be sprayed with Neverwet?
Title: Re: Small Hive Beetle Solution, that is inexpensive and easy
Post by: Florida Bee Rancher on September 01, 2016, 12:42:22 pm
Hello Mat J,

  From all research done on the Small Hive Beetle, they only crawl once inside the hive. No, it is not attached to the vertical sides. Yes, it lies flat (horizontal) on the bottom board. It protrudes out 3/8" the entire inside of the hive. I have them on all my hives (40 to date) and it does not restrict movement of any Honey Bees or the Queen during her mating flight, they act like its not even there. It just stops the Hive Beetle dead in its track form crawling up the sides of the hive. Only the Neverwet coated side faces down, you coat one side only. Hope this helps.
Title: Re: Small Hive Beetle Solution, that is inexpensive and easy
Post by: Matt J on September 01, 2016, 03:38:38 pm
Florida Bee Rancher,

Thank you for the research and info.  I am going to the hardware store in the morning to get the stuff to make these.  I have one more question.  How long have you had these in your hives?  I wonder if it is something that will need periodic replacement due to the Neverwet wearing off.  And have you gone down to the bottom board, removed the last hive body, then placed it back on?  Would removing and placing it back effect the Neverwet?  Sorry for all the questions, but it is between this and Clark's Beetle Blocker Shim.  And this is a cheaper route. 
Title: Re: Small Hive Beetle Solution, that is inexpensive and easy
Post by: Florida Bee Rancher on September 01, 2016, 04:57:55 pm
Matt J,

  They have been on my hives for a year. Neverwet dries to hard and "permanent" film, once painted you never have to refinish again. There isn't any periodic cleaning, repainting or replacement needed, that's the beauty of the system and plus its inexpensive. As per the video the coated flanges are stapled on the 3/4' riser of the bottom board, the flange stays attached to the bottom board, the hive body only contacts the uncoated side of the flange. You may want to watch the video again, all of this is explained in the video.  Our Lowes and Home Depot stopped carrying Neverwet, I have purchased it from Amazon. I recently found it at a Tractor Supply Store on clearance for $5.00 a kit, needless to say I bought 6 kits.
Title: Re: Small Hive Beetle Solution, that is inexpensive and easy
Post by: Brownbee on September 10, 2017, 07:26:39 pm
What is the texture and feel of the finished metal?
Title: Re: Small Hive Beetle Solution, that is inexpensive and easy
Post by: derekNGA on September 15, 2017, 10:28:49 am
Florida Bee Rancher, thanks for the work and information provided for a beetle solution.  I really like this  idea and concept and can see it working much better than my other things tried. And soon plan to make some definately for my hives.
I also have alot of little ants that have moved in recently.  Fire ants never were a problem with my hives but these new ants are constantly bombarding trying to find an unguarded entrance.  They have also I assume taken on things that I rarely have a fire ant now.  Best I know these new ants to be are called Argentina ants.  They are in every tree, building, super highways all over the ground.  Anyway, what I am hoping you can answer is, will this setup of yours also prevent ants from entering also or are ants feet able to grip it?
One thing I thought of I wanted to try and hoping you can tell me yae or nae (due to a previous attempt by you) but instead of tacking the aluminium strip to the bottom of the box at the entrance, could I accommodate an entrance reducer to accept the strip and still slide in?  Just thinking it would be easier for me on established hives.
Thanks again for posting and in advance for a response.
Title: Re: Small Hive Beetle Solution, that is inexpensive and easy
Post by: BeeMaster2 on September 16, 2017, 09:26:07 am
Lowe's will special order the paint. They did for me.
It sounds like you have Rasberry Crazy Ants. A friend of mine had them imported from a new neighbor who just recently moved here from Texas. They suspect they were in the farm/equestrian equipment. They can be a real pain. They are attracted to electrical currents and cause power problems. Serious problems. Almost impossible to stop.
Title: Re: Small Hive Beetle Solution, that is inexpensive and easy
Post by: Florida Bee Rancher on September 19, 2017, 01:32:42 pm
Hi derekNGA,

Neverwet will stop ants, they can't crawl on it either. The best way to stop the ants is to place the Neverwet coated barrier some where between the ground and hive stand. I have all my hives sitting on 2"X6" boards that sit on top of 8"x8"x16" blocks so all I have to do is pick up the hive stand and lay an oversized coated barrier on top of the block, have the barrier protrude out at least 2" out from the block its that simple.. Try Amazon and Tractor supply for a Neverwet source. Good Luck with your bees.
Title: Re: Small Hive Beetle Solution, that is inexpensive and easy
Post by: tycrnp on September 23, 2017, 02:49:21 pm
I have the never wet strips and the weather stripping.  My problem is the weather stripping sticks to both boxes and it gets torn up when I go in to inspect the hive.
Title: Re: Small Hive Beetle Solution, that is inexpensive and easy
Post by: Florida Bee Rancher on October 05, 2017, 11:30:21 am
Hi tycrnp,

Closed cell polyethylene foam tape comes in single side and double sided adhesive seal, you should be using the single sided tape. Make sure the propolis on both side of the boxes is cleaned off with you hive tool before applying foam.
Title: Re: Small Hive Beetle Solution, that is inexpensive and easy
Post by: tycrnp on October 06, 2017, 01:19:05 am
It is the single sided.  I'll have to clean them up when I replace the strips.  Thanks.
Title: Re: Small Hive Beetle Solution, that is inexpensive and easy
Post by: eltalia on March 22, 2019, 08:28:26 am
Matt J,

  They have been on my hives for a year. Neverwet dries to hard and "permanent" film, once painted you never have to refinish again. There isn't any periodic cleaning, repainting or replacement needed, that's the beauty of the system and plus its inexpensive. As per the video the coated flanges are stapled on the 3/4' riser of the bottom board, the flange stays attached to the bottom board, the hive body only contacts the uncoated side of the flange. You may want to watch the video again, all of this is explained in the video.  Our Lowes and Home Depot stopped carrying Neverwet, I have purchased it from Amazon. I recently found it at a Tractor Supply Store on clearance for $5.00 a kit, needless to say I bought 6 kits.

Using this link for continuity I ask.... in trying to help an offline buddy via mail I'd like to know of any
further developments with this concept.

Title: Re: Small Hive Beetle Solution, that is inexpensive and easy
Post by: Ben Framed on March 23, 2019, 01:59:44 am
I also, would like to know of any further developments. The beetle season is fast approaching here.  Thanks , Phillip 
Title: Re: Small Hive Beetle Solution, that is inexpensive and easy
Post by: eltalia on March 23, 2019, 07:58:21 pm
I also, would like to know of any further developments. The beetle season is fast approaching here.  Thanks , Phillip

Caught the guy up on his latest effort borne from realising just how efficient
hygenic bees can be.
For mine the concept has now moved beyond the realms of practicality in an
apiary as the expense for a few colonys is prohibitive and way too much work
for large scale with no guarantee over Time. Good Luck to him, I say.

One observation is you have to wonder just where the micro (nano) particles
of these "foreign objects" end up in the food chain given the plethora of /wild/wierd/
bits of kit introduced to beehive shells in the intent to help bees whereas they
see such introduction as rubbish to be got rid of or 'good stuff' to be stored in cells
or used in building wax or propolis.
Yep, makes one wonder.



Title: Re: Small Hive Beetle Solution, that is inexpensive and easy
Post by: Ben Framed on March 23, 2019, 08:39:00 pm
I also, would like to know of any further developments. The beetle season is fast approaching here.  Thanks , Phillip

One observation is you have to wonder just where the micro (nano) particles
of these "foreign objects" end up in the food chain given the plethora of /wild/wierd/
bits of kit introduced to beehive shells in the intent to help bees whereas they
see such introduction as rubbish to be got rid of or 'good stuff' to be stored in cells
or used in building wax or propolis.
Yep, makes one wonder.



Very good point Mr Bill and one I haven't considered.
Title: Re: Small Hive Beetle Solution, that is inexpensive and easy
Post by: BeeMaster2 on March 23, 2019, 09:08:19 pm
Seems like a waste of time to me. At first the SHBs arena real problem but after a year or two the bees learn how to deal with them and they are only a problem when the bees are weak or seriously stressed. Decrease your inspections to just what is needed and you will reduce the amount of stress on them.