Beemaster's International Beekeeping Forum

BEEKEEPING LEARNING CENTER => REQUEENING & RAISING NEW QUEENS => Topic started by: ColeB234 on December 22, 2014, 01:56:21 pm

Title: Queen rearing without Grafting?
Post by: ColeB234 on December 22, 2014, 01:56:21 pm
Hello all, I recently bought ten new nuc boxes in preparation for the upcoming season, I hope to divide the nucs into two two frame hives and raise Queens two Queens in one box, and then combining two nuc boxes together under one Queen, or selling the Nucs with the Queens. I have a frame for grafting, as well as the cell cups and a mating nuc, but I don't think I have the skill with grafting that I need to make Queens that way, so I have been looking at ways to make Queens without grafting, but so far none have really appealed to me, so I was thinking about just letting a colony go until it gets to the swarm point or removing their Queen, and letting them make their own Cells, which I could then harvest and put into the nucs to have the Queens raised and mated, then sold.

I would also like to hear about systems others have used besides grafting that has worked for them, and any opinions on the way I want to do it. Thanks Folks, and Happy Beekeeping, Cole.
Title: Re: Queen rearing without Grafting?
Post by: Michael Bush on December 22, 2014, 02:31:46 pm
Graftless methods: ( ( ( ( ( (

Some queen rearing concepts: (
Title: Re: Queen rearing without Grafting?
Post by: rookie2531 on December 25, 2014, 02:47:01 pm
Thanks Mike, and Cole if you just make a walk away type of split, I don't think you will get as many queen cells as you want. I did one last summer and only got 4 cells.
Title: Re: Queen rearing without Grafting?
Post by: minz on December 28, 2014, 01:06:54 am
I use Demaree to keep them from swarming and put the queen cells in a 2 frame queen mating castle. Really what that means to you is to check the bees every 10 days and when they do make swarm cells move that frame and another to a small nuc that they can keep warm. It is not so much about the queens or cells (assuming you are small like I am) but the drawn foundation and the bees to get another hive up and running.
Title: Re: Queen rearing without Grafting?
Post by: capt44 on December 28, 2014, 12:37:52 pm
Here is a video of grafting close up.
It shows in detail of the technique used.
Only thing it's in Russian, but you can see the technique of how it's done.
Practice makes perfect no matter what style you use to raise queens.
Click on link below for the video.

Umlarven - Königinnenaufzucht (
Title: Re: Queen rearing without Grafting?
Post by: rookie2531 on February 26, 2015, 06:20:08 pm
Great video Capt.
Title: Re: Queen rearing without Grafting?
Post by: Robo on February 26, 2015, 08:13:25 pm

Look into On The Spot (OTS) queen rearing.   It is a convenient way to get quality queens without having to graft.   Too bad you are not closer,  I'm doing a presentation on it at our March bee group meeting.
Title: Re: Queen rearing without Grafting?
Post by: OldMech on February 26, 2015, 10:47:52 pm
Indeed. Mel answers emails promptly, if I had known Rob did OTS I'd probably have bugged him too!    It does work very well. It works better if you use wax or foundation-less so you can cut out the cells when they are ready. Just dont notch over a wire and your good.
Title: Re: Queen rearing without Grafting?
Post by: sc-bee on March 08, 2015, 03:50:11 pm

Look into On The Spot (OTS) queen rearing.   It is a convenient way to get quality queens without having to graft.   Too bad you are not closer,  I'm doing a presentation on it at our March bee group meeting.

Do you buy any chance have the presentation in power point or hand outs you can share etc?
Title: Re: Queen rearing without Grafting?
Post by: rwlaw on March 10, 2015, 10:02:21 am
SC, Google MDA splitters and you'll get a lot of info. Mel also has published a book also, it's very comprehensive of his theories and experience, well worth 50 bucks
Title: Re: Queen rearing without Grafting?
Post by: jalentour on March 16, 2015, 05:40:41 pm
Can you use OTS queen rearing with plastic foundation? 
Title: Re: Queen rearing without Grafting?
Post by: Michael Bush on March 16, 2015, 05:58:07 pm
>Can you use OTS queen rearing with plastic foundation? 
