Beemaster's International Beekeeping Forum

BEEKEEPING LEARNING CENTER => GENERAL BEEKEEPING - MAIN POSTING FORUM. => Topic started by: rober on October 05, 2013, 11:34:24 am

Title: anyone heard about this?
Post by: rober on October 05, 2013, 11:34:24 am (
Title: Re: anyone heard about this?
Post by: Vance G on October 05, 2013, 03:07:26 pm
I read about this last spring.  It has several premises I question, one being bees resistant to roundup.  I doubt any bees AREN'T resistant to roundup used as the label  specifies.  I have used roundup for fifty years and used it to kill vegetation under hives and never saw any harm done to livestock or people.  The Feds are way too free to run roughshod over us and they do.  What the specifics are, I don't know and I don't know who he POed.  I doubt Monsanto needed his bees and got them from the government.  I think it most likely that someone decided he had fouldbrood he wasn't treated and played government bully or did their job, depending on your perspective.
Title: Re: anyone heard about this?
Post by: Jim134 on October 05, 2013, 03:28:43 pm
This story has been around for at least a year if not longer.

They is a lot more to this story than what this beekeeper is telling us.  First of all you must believe that he had honeybees resistant to round up and I do believe that has a long stretch.  It just sounds like a lot of spin to me. I also wonder why we do not hear anything about it in the bee Journals  :roll: or any of the big meetings of beekeepers like EAS and so on.

                  BEE HAPPY Jim 134 :)
Title: Re: anyone heard about this?
Post by: rober on October 05, 2013, 03:37:40 pm
i did miss this & i also think there's more to this story than the what's on the page that i posted. it would be interesting to hear the whole story. i do have a deep mistrust of governments & corporations though.
Title: Re: anyone heard about this?
Post by: hjon71 on October 05, 2013, 05:06:50 pm
. i do have a deep mistrust of governments & corporations though.

Good. You should.
Title: Re: anyone heard about this?
Post by: Hemlock on October 05, 2013, 08:25:15 pm
I think this has already been stated but 'Bees being resistant to Roundup' is like saying 'People are resistant to roundup'.  It's nonsense. Roundup kills plants by interfering with photosynthesis.  Something bees and people just don't have to worry about. 

And as far as killing plant it mostly only kills broad leaf plants And grasses (aquatics too).  Bulb plants and some others aren't heavily affected by roundup.

I sorry i didn't follow the link but i see no reason too.
Title: Re: anyone heard about this?
Post by: Jim134 on October 05, 2013, 09:59:55 pm
. i do have a deep mistrust of governments & corporations though.

Good. You should.
But just maybe we all should be grateful we live in a country which you can talk openly about the government and its policies.  And yes I have lived in country where you can not do this or you will be having a visitor if you do openly.  If you would like to thank someone for this freedoms please thank  a vet.

                  BEE HAPPY Jim 134 :)
Title: Re: anyone heard about this?
Post by: ChrisT on October 06, 2013, 03:16:29 am
If roundup (glyphosate or whatever its called) can cause cell damage/death in humans and damage dna in humans, then couldnt it do it to bees also?

I know, in low doses, we, as humans, dont see the effects of roundup but there is evidence that it can cause problems for animal and human cells.
So sure, bees and humans can genrally be thought to be resistant to roundup but I dont like to ignore the scientific evidence that shows glyphosate does cause biological damage in certain studies. And as a discalimer, I would not trust one word that comes from Monsanto. So I defintiely am a bias contributor. lol.

I, personally, dont think anyone is technically 100% resistant to it. It sure aint like aspirin or anything where its had many decades of study.

Title: Re: Re: anyone heard about this?
Post by: Orlando on October 06, 2013, 08:25:43 am seems here more and more that there are plenty of 3 letter govt agencies that have been intruding on and visiting citizens who disagree with the establishment....
Title: Re: anyone heard about this?
Post by: RHBee on October 06, 2013, 10:45:43 am
. i do have a deep mistrust of governments & corporations though.

Good. You should.
But just maybe we all should be grateful we live in a country which you can talk openly about the government and its policies.  And yes I have lived in country where you can not do this or you will be having a visitor if you do openly.  If you would like to thank someone for this freedoms please thank  a vet.

                  BEE HAPPY Jim 134 :)

With all that has come to light as far as government agency's monitoring private US citizens communications I have to ask how much longer it will be before we will not be able to make this statement.

I proudly served for 6 years, USAF. I left only because it didn't measure up to my ideas of what the Armed Services should be. I'm a military brat. My father was a retired USMC GySgt EOD. He served in Pacific WWII, Korea and part of Vietnam. I made sure to thank him for his contribution to my freedom. Always proud of him, I still am. He made sure to remind me that our freedoms were bought with the blood of young men, sons, brothers and fathers. I'm sure today most people take freedom for granted and forget the real cost of it.  I feel he is watching current events and wondering why his son isn't doing more.

Sorry if I said to much or went off topic. Even the possibility of our government acting outside of our constitutional boundary's makes me feel ill. 
Title: Re: anyone heard about this?
Post by: capt44 on October 06, 2013, 10:54:36 am
When it comes to Government and Big Business money talks.
The rest of us are free to operate our apiaries as long as we do as we're told.
And yes I'm a VET.
Title: Re: anyone heard about this?
Post by: rober on October 06, 2013, 12:23:11 pm
I am grateful to anyone who has served in our military. I am grateful that I live where I do. BUT-
corporations only care about the bottom line. period. Monsanto in recent years has initiated some unscrupulous practices. pollen like our bees is free to wander where it will. some farmers hold back part of their grain crops to use as seed for the next year. some of those farmers have neighbors who use Monsanto GMO seed. the pollen of the GMO crops drifted over property lines & polluted the crops of the seed savers. Monsanto then had their agents trespass on the seed savers property to collect grain samples & tests showed that the seed savers grain now carried the DNA of Monsanto GMO seed( thru no fault of their own ) so Monsanto then sued the seed savers for patent infringement. their GMO DNA has showed up in remote regions hundreds of miles from the closest GMO user. HMMM. I wonder how that got there. Monsanto bought an Israeli bee research company. I guarantee there is a profit in their motive. I do not trust Monsanto.
 we have legislatures who ran for office just so they could learn the ropes so they could become lobbyists & work the system for their own & their clients personal gain. we have legislatures who retire & go to work for the companies that they championed while in office. we have higher ups in the pentagon who retire & go to work for the defense contractors that they looked out for when awarding contracts. I could go on for pages but will not as this forum is about bees. but-yes I do not trust governments ( plural ) or corporations as is my right to do.
let's put this thread to rest & get back ti discussing bees.
Title: Re: anyone heard about this?
Post by: OldMech on October 06, 2013, 08:36:04 pm
I have first hand experience with the issue of Monsanto and their roundup resistant soybeans..   While they claim to OWN the final product, and WILL charge a farmer for any seed they save to replant... ANY adjacent field should be off limits..  I disagree very vehemently with their practices, and KNOW FOR FACT that there are several dozen farmers in the are watching and waiting.. and I can guarantee.. if they show up here they are going to be hurting BADLY for a while..   not that the owners of the company will care about them while they recover....