Beemaster's International Beekeeping Forum

BEEKEEPING LEARNING CENTER => GENERAL BEEKEEPING - MAIN POSTING FORUM. => Topic started by: blanc on June 18, 2013, 05:15:47 pm

Title: Converting Top Bar Hive to Perone Hive
Post by: blanc on June 18, 2013, 05:15:47 pm
After watching a video of the Perone hive I decided to convert from Kenyan Top Bar Hive to the Perone as it would allow for harvesting honey a lot better than the two KTB that I presently have. I started with them before I went to langs and by far have been the strongest hives. The one I built has two brood chambers at 11 1/2" and the honey chamber is 6 1/4 " depth. The idea is to never open the brood and let them live naturally. The only thing I would do is keep swarm traps in the area when they do swarm which they will. I will leave the first super chamber on for them and harvest what ever I place above that. I built the boxes to fit the bars I presently have in the existing hives and will transfer quite easily. My buddy kept asking why I could not stack other boxes on the Kenyan Hives and I just couldn't see how to do it with out problems and this will remedy that. Experimental bee keeping at best!  ;) We will see how it goes.
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Title: Re: Converting Top Bar Hive to Perone Hive
Post by: Joe D on June 18, 2013, 05:27:37 pm
I haven't looked up the Perone hive.  I also have TBH's and Lang's. I have been thinking about building a long hive using Lang frames.  Haven't decided on supers or just longer hive, leaning toward the super.  Good luck Blanc

Title: Re: Converting Top Bar Hive to Perone Hive
Post by: blanc on June 18, 2013, 06:02:34 pm
I haven't looked up the Perone hive.  I also have TBH's and Lang's. I have been thinking about building a long hive using Lang frames.  Haven't decided on supers or just longer hive, leaning toward the super.  Good luck Blanc

My tbh is 4 ft long and has good space but they build so quickly I have to get in them quite often and the Perone will give them a lot more space and plus I like the concept of it. There are some nice videos of the Perone.
Title: Re: Converting Top Bar Hive to Perone Hive
Post by: Carol on July 01, 2013, 12:45:54 pm
The Perone concept of leaving them alone is what got me really interested in having honeybees.  The TBH we built has been invaded by big red ants and the bees left...twice. A package was installed in a Langs and the TBH the same ants in the Langs.....Evidently we don't have something right. It was built of old fence boards and I have been concerned about them being treated boards, also. We'll dismantle that and start over. I want an observation may build a long hive that I can use the Langs frames in. We've been out of town but neighbor says I still have bees. Maybe we can even get a frame or two of honey this year.

Anxious to hear how the conversion goes.