Beemaster's International Beekeeping Forum

BEEKEEPING LEARNING CENTER => HONEYBEE REMOVAL => Topic started by: D Semple on June 13, 2013, 09:54:46 am

Title: Testy Trapout
Post by: D Semple on June 13, 2013, 09:54:46 am
Iddee and others, this large trap out has turned cranky on me, need advice before I get somebody hurt. Small yard, kids and dogs around.

- Started last Saturday 6/9 used a small QR afterswarm in the bait hive.
- Filled the 1st hive overflowing, swapped it out yesterday morning (day 3).
- Lots of bees also not going into the trap out hive, just hanging off the cone and around the entrance confused.
- Used another QR after swarm for the second bait hive, bees are entering fine.

Bees started out super gentle but have turned pissy. Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong and what I can do to get this situation under control?

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Thanks.    ....Don

Title: Re: Testy Trapout
Post by: iddee on June 13, 2013, 10:38:08 am
- Lots of bees also not going into the trap out hive, just hanging off the cone and around the entrance confused.
- Used another QR after swarm for the second bait hive, bees are entering fine.

I'm confused. This sounds like both are the second bait hive.  If not, which are going in and out fine?

If both lines apply to the same hive, it sounds as if the tree queen may have come out and is on the base of the cone. Two queens sharing the bees would make them antsy.
Title: Re: Testy Trapout
Post by: D Semple on June 13, 2013, 10:57:29 am
Sorry Iddee,

Lots of bees are entering the bait hive, just not all of them. There are quite a number of bees, maybe a pound just hanging off the trap out cone and around the entrance.

I swapped bait hives yesterday morning because the 1st one was full.

Title: Re: Testy Trapout
Post by: iddee on June 13, 2013, 11:00:45 am
I would check the bees on the cone for a queen.
Title: Re: Testy Trapout
Post by: D Semple on June 13, 2013, 11:05:56 am
Will do.

Thanks, that had not occurred to me.    ...Don
Title: Re: Testy Trapout
Post by: D Semple on June 14, 2013, 09:19:55 am
I would check the bees on the cone for a queen.

Finally got back to the trap out yesterday evening Iddee.

Cluster of bees hanging around the base of the comb was gone and they were back to being peaceful. I think you were right about the queen being on the trap out cone the day before. She must have gone ahead and swarmed off, I looked around but couldn't find them.

Thanks for the help, learned something.   ...Don