Beemaster's International Beekeeping Forum

BEEKEEPING LEARNING CENTER => GENERAL BEEKEEPING - MAIN POSTING FORUM. => Topic started by: Shizzell on December 01, 2005, 09:52:28 pm

Post by: Shizzell on December 01, 2005, 09:52:28 pm
Hey guys, anyone here ever bought bees from I'm thinking about it, but I have never bought bees online. I hear they are pretty good, but then again... Whats the advantages and disadvantages of having them give me 3 pounds of bees through the mail? Tips?

Thanks in advance.
Post by: Apis629 on December 01, 2005, 10:06:23 pm
I find's hardware to be over priced (supers, brood boxes, frames, foundation, etc.)  I find it to be just as easy to order bees over the phone.
Post by: bassman1977 on December 03, 2005, 02:54:13 pm
I find's hardware to be over priced (supers, brood boxes, frames, foundation, etc.)

Took the words right off my keyboard.  

While doing some price comparisons fairly recently, I found that Mann Lake has the best prices.  Their site is if you don't have it already.  They don't post their shipping costs, so I'm not too sure if they make up for it like that or not.  I've ordered from them a few times but never have taken the time to look at the postage cost.
Post by: Michael Bush on December 03, 2005, 03:53:11 pm
I bought a queen from them once when I was having trouble finding anyone to ship one.  It was fine.
Post by: qa33010 on December 04, 2005, 03:20:22 am
Their catalog Mann Lake) has rate list with zip codes and weight increments.  Better Bee is another option.  I have some time to shop around so I can look at various companies and get the best deal possible.  I have seen all schedules for shipping and pound rates for all the companies.  Your right though they are high.  

Post by: beemaster on December 04, 2005, 11:14:55 pm
I have known Howland Blackiston co-owner of bee-commerce and author or Beekeeping for Dummied) for many years and I find him a wonderful man to collaberate with, that said - I also find his orices a bit too high compared to many other suppliers.

I would hope that extra proice would buy you confidence in a fair and agreeable turn policy on items that are non parashable, etc., but bees, I'm not sure about.

I think his markup may be a bit higher than many larger companies out there, so some seraching may find you a better deal on many items. But as far a someone who I would hope you can go directly with a problem, no one better is out there to help resolve an issue.

Hope that helps.
Post by: leominsterbeeman on December 05, 2005, 08:23:11 pm
When getting bees,  I would suggest getting them from a local source.    I live far from the major apiaries in Georgia and there are a few local beekeepers that get a truckload of bees from Georgia.  There maybe someone near you that does that as well.

Check with Mann Lake or local bee clubs.
Title: good prices on bees
Post by: wanabee on December 07, 2005, 03:02:44 pm
i buy my bees from dadant in waverly ny. They have offices in 9 states. i don't have to pay for shipping because i go pick them up. they are only 30 miles from me. They have warehouses in ny state. florida, illinois , michigan,wisconsin,texas,california,iowa, and virginia. I think there prices are really good.
Title: Re: good prices on bees
Post by: Jack Parr on December 09, 2005, 09:15:58 am
Quote from: wanabee
i buy my bees from dadant in waverly ny. They have offices in 9 states. i don't have to pay for shipping because i go pick them up. they are only 30 miles from me. They have warehouses in ny state. florida, illinois , michigan,wisconsin,texas,california,iowa, and virginia. I think there prices are really good.

Do you not consider the cost of fuel for your vehicle as " cost of shipping "
if you drive yourself anywhere to pick-up supplies?

Usually you cannot drive yourself cheaper than the cost of shipping via the common methodes; UPS, USPS etc.

Dadant should ship from their location nearest you.

Usually, if the state you live in, also has a supplier in same, the cost of the SALES TAXES should, or, can factored in and comparisons made, IF, you are into maximizing your buck banging. :wink:
Post by: Dick Allen on December 09, 2005, 02:44:12 pm
I grew up in upstate New York (Fort Ann) which is about 30 or so miles from Betterbee (Greenwich).  Whenever I am back there visiting relatives I drive over to Betterbee to buy equipment which I then mail, parcel post to myself up here in Anchorage.  

OK, so what’s my shipping cost for doing it myself?   For me to ship 20 lbs. to Alaska, parcel post, taking about 3 weeks will be $26.00. Express shipping, three days, will cost $36.40.  I have to pay that either way, whether Betterbee ships it or I do.

Round trip to Betterbee from my sister’s home is 60 miles.  Figuring 20 miles to the gallon, consuming 3 gallons of gas at $2.35 a gallon costs $7.00.  Betterbee’s preferred shipper is UPS. They will ship via the Post Office to places such as Alaska not served by UPS ground, but their catalog mentions an extra surcharge for going to the Post Office.
Title: cost of shipping versus driving
Post by: wanabee on December 09, 2005, 03:45:26 pm
Yeah i would consider the driving to pick something up as a cost simalar to shipping, but its still cheaper for me to drive there than to pay shipping cost. Plus when i'm there i usually buy other stuff that i need, and some things are on sale that are not in their catolog at that price.