Beemaster's International Beekeeping Forum

MEMBER BULLETIN BOARD => GREETINGS/TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF => Topic started by: Diver on October 24, 2005, 06:37:08 am

Title: Greetings
Post by: Diver on October 24, 2005, 06:37:08 am
Hi   All,   I use the name Diver because that was my favourite job took me all around the world to some exotic places ( some not so exotic). not that different from life, I was born in Cambridge England, raised in Kenya and now back in England on the east coast at Colchester. Having been invalided out of diving am now a customs & excise officer for my sins.
Title: Greetings
Post by: beemaster on October 24, 2005, 10:53:24 pm

Welcome Aboard the Forums!

It's a slow period now (seems Fall is a poor time for computer forums in General) but things quickly pick up as we all get more house-bound as Winter settles in.

Thanks for joining and I hope you have fun while here. I have never been diving (except for Boiler Diving) what we call suiting up in our Tyvek suits and full-faced respirators to clean our huge High-Pressure boilers at work. Talk about a NONE GLAMOROUS DIVE - I cannot think of too many that out-do the soot-filled fire-box of a #6 Fuel-fired boiler - ick.

Best wishes and again, welcome :)
Title: Greetings
Post by: Horns Pure Honey on October 26, 2005, 07:43:13 pm
Welcome! John is right, now is a slow period on the forums but soon the pace will grow once again, bye :D