Beemaster's International Beekeeping Forum

BEEKEEPING LEARNING CENTER => GENERAL BEEKEEPING - MAIN POSTING FORUM. => Topic started by: davmal on October 18, 2012, 10:32:19 am

Title: Ball of Bees
Post by: davmal on October 18, 2012, 10:32:19 am
I changed-out by screened bottom board late last evening (it needs some repairs). I noticed hundreds and hundreds of been living on the ground in a cavity formed by the 6"x6" timbers by hive was raised on. I smoked them. Soon after changing the SBB, I noticed hundreds of bees congregating on the old SBB like a mini-swarm. I tapped them back into the hive. It was getting dark, so I DID NOT notice a grapefruit size ball of bees hanging from the bottom of the landing board. I saw the ball this morning at 8:30. It is 50 degrees here in central MD. What are the bees doing there? Are they from the hoard that was living beneath the hive? Why did they not go inside last night? Are they overflow? For the story and pictures, will you please see my URL which I am asking the administrator to include with this post? I'd sure appreciate any advice that would help me better understand what my girls are doing! Thanks, in advance! - Dave (
Title: Re: Ball of Bees
Post by: Finski on October 18, 2012, 10:40:53 am
When you operate with bees like that in late afternoon or in the evening, is normal that bees do not move inside. They stay there where you shaked them. They are like sleepy.

Often I cover them with newspaper to give them heat shelter. They often move inside but  they may remain there over night.
Title: Re: Ball of Bees
Post by: JP on October 18, 2012, 12:33:54 pm
I would have checked the ball of bees for a queen. Its quite possible the old gal got kicked out or there's a virgin in the ball. Either way the bees in the ball are being loyal to her. This is what makes sense to me without knowing all the facts.

Title: Re: Ball of Bees
Post by: BeeMaster2 on October 18, 2012, 12:48:13 pm
Ditto that JP. Sure looks like a mini swarm. They also started building a comb.