Beemaster's International Beekeeping Forum

MEMBER BULLETIN BOARD => MEMBER'S WEBPAGES, BLOGS & FORUMS => Topic started by: william delaney on November 13, 2011, 11:42:08 pm

Title: how to clean bees wax
Post by: william delaney on November 13, 2011, 11:42:08 pm
i have some dark wax an i dont know how to make it light
Title: Re: how to clean bees wax
Post by: BeeMaster2 on November 14, 2011, 01:15:42 pm
i have some dark wax an i don't know how to make it light

I use a solar wax melter that I built. In it I have a disposable pan for collecting the wax and a disposable pan that is on the slanted part that is in full sun. I cut a D shape cut in the lower section leaving the flat section of the D uncut so that the wax runs over it as it flows into the catch pan. I put a piece of stuffing material in the D shape cut to act as a filter. It only allows the wax and honey to go through it. The upper pan ends up looking really nasty because all of the garbage stays in this pan. The catch pan will end up with honey on the bottom and if it doesn't all melt the first day, it will have layers of honey from each day it is melting. I just wash the honey off of the bottom of the wax and it ends up rather clean. Most of the time I will run this wax back through the solar melter, using a clean pan, to get it even cleaner.
Title: Re: how to clean bees wax
Post by: divemaster1963 on November 14, 2011, 11:33:04 pm
just as he said. you have to filter it several times. I use cheese cloth and even coffee filters to strain the wax. the more you strain it the cleaner and lighter it well get.
