Beemaster's International Beekeeping Forum

ALMOST BEEKEEPING - RELATED TOPICS => FARMING & COUNTRY LIFE => Topic started by: Sean Kelly on October 22, 2011, 08:18:34 pm

Title: Dirty coating on duck eggs
Post by: Sean Kelly on October 22, 2011, 08:18:34 pm
Hey guys!
Our Peking duck finally started laying today (2 eggs!) and this is my first time dealing with duck eggs.  Are they supposed to have a dirty film covering the egg?  Our duck lives with our chickens and we just wanna make sure the eggs are the ducks and not from a sick hen.  They're definitely a little longer in shape and bright white under the waxy film, unlike the barred rock's eggs which are brown with no coating.

Thanks!  You guys rock!

Sean Kelly
Title: Re: Dirty coating on duck eggs
Post by: VolunteerK9 on October 22, 2011, 08:45:21 pm
Yeah, thats normal-but fair warning, if you decide to eat them they taste like mud
Title: Re: Dirty coating on duck eggs
Post by: Sean Kelly on November 01, 2011, 02:10:36 pm
Yeah, thats normal-but fair warning, if you decide to eat them they taste like mud

Most definitely do not taste like mud. So far she's laid almost a dozen and I've been having either a fried or hard boiled every morning.  We even made brownies with one a couple weeks ago which turned out fantastic.  They taste just like a chicken egg, but with a little more yolk and quite a bit richer.  I'm liking duck eggs almost more than chicken eggs now.  Might have to buy a few more ducklings come springtime!

Sean Kelly
Title: Re: Dirty coating on duck eggs
Post by: Michael Bush on November 01, 2011, 04:51:47 pm
Actually they taste like duck eggs... oddly enough... but the coating will protect the egg, so I leave it on.
Title: Re: Dirty coating on duck eggs
Post by: JP on November 02, 2011, 07:18:56 am
I'm thinking like M.B. on this one. Sounds like it could just be the bloom you are seeing?

Title: Re: Dirty coating on duck eggs
Post by: armyturner on November 02, 2011, 09:12:10 am
Never had any that tasted like mud. Duck eggs are often used in upscale bakeries in place of chicken eggs. Have you notices the difference in yolk? I have mallards and the yolk is much thicker from their eggs than the ones from my chickens.
Title: Re: Dirty coating on duck eggs
Post by: VolunteerK9 on November 02, 2011, 09:27:13 am
I must have had some mud eating ducks then-I didnt care for the taste at all.
Title: Re: Dirty coating on duck eggs
Post by: Michael Bush on November 02, 2011, 12:08:58 pm
Duck eggs definitely do not taste like chicken eggs.
Title: Re: Dirty coating on duck eggs
Post by: JP on November 02, 2011, 12:47:42 pm
I've eaten duck eggs from my friend Jordan. I really like them! I find them similar to my hen's eggs but richer in taste. I hear that duck eggs make fantastic mayonnaise.

Title: Re: Dirty coating on duck eggs
Post by: danno on November 02, 2011, 01:15:52 pm
when I was young my mother had geese and would get  eggs from them.  I remember relatives coming for the weekend and mom cooking breakfast.  She asked my uncle how many eggs?   He said 2 over easy.  She brought them out to him on 2 plates.  The look on his face was great
Title: Re: Dirty coating on duck eggs
Post by: AliciaH on November 02, 2011, 03:22:13 pm
The duck eggs I've tried weren't bad in taste, but it was the texture that got to me.  Rubbery.  Maybe I prepared them wrong?  Are there better ways than others?  Or maybe it was the ducks, I had Indian Runners at the time.
Title: Re: Dirty coating on duck eggs
Post by: kingbee on February 02, 2012, 01:49:34 am
... The duck eggs I've tried were... Rubbery...
:-D AliciaH, you make soooooooo... easy.  I've seen rubber chickens, even had one, but the last time I saw a rubber duck was on Groucho Marks' TV show "You Bet Your Life."  If you don't get it ask someone older, maybe much older. :-D 1955 Groucho Marx DeSoto COMPLETE TV SHOW 1 of 4 (
Outside of carnival games I thought that the rubber duck was as extinct as the Plymouth and DeSota automobiles Groucho pitched.
Title: Re: Dirty coating on duck eggs
Post by: luvin honey on April 19, 2012, 08:34:19 pm
Our duck eggs stay a bit stained, too. I really can't tell the difference in taste between duck, chicken and turkey eggs, but they definitely shell out differently and have varied textures!