Beemaster's International Beekeeping Forum

MEMBER BULLETIN BOARD => GREETINGS/TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF => Topic started by: Bennettoid on May 20, 2011, 12:43:45 pm

Title: I'm back.
Post by: Bennettoid on May 20, 2011, 12:43:45 pm
I spent a lot of time here about 5 years ago, the dates are kind of blurry, when I first got into beekeeping. I had to change my life, completely. I got away from my bees and other things while I concentrated on taking care of things like finding food, clothing and shelter. I'm back now. I have one hive that has survived my neglect and absence and 2 packages coming tomorrow. My new home (and theirs) is a 127 acre horse farm outside of Ocean City, Maryland.

I decided I better start a refresher course on bee keeping, while not a complete newb, I may be able to avoid some of my past mistakes by reviewing and reminding myself of the proper way to do things. Once again, I look to your experiences to teach myself.
Title: Re: I'm back.
Post by: Kathyp on May 20, 2011, 01:24:08 pm
welcome back.  i remember you  :-D  glad you have a survivor hive.  sometimes they are the best!
Title: Re: I'm back.
Post by: Shanevrr on May 23, 2011, 10:37:33 pm
dont know ya but about time :-D
Title: Re: I'm back.
Post by: qa33010 on June 01, 2011, 04:25:50 pm
    Welcome back!  Wondered what happened.  Now I know...