Beemaster's International Beekeeping Forum

BEEKEEPING LEARNING CENTER => GENERAL BEEKEEPING - MAIN POSTING FORUM. => Topic started by: ziffabeek on March 12, 2011, 07:01:55 pm

Title: First deep inspection of the year!
Post by: ziffabeek on March 12, 2011, 07:01:55 pm
and I thought of a couple questions.. . actually, I thought of about a 100 questions, but i'll save those for when I have time to gather my thoughts! :)

1.  Is there any way to remove propolis from your fingers?
2.  Can you melt down old dark comb for wax when you change it out?
3.  I saw a handfull of bees with what looked like k-wing.  I'm pretty committed to non-treatment this year, so the question is kinda mute, but how many is too many? and is there any non-chemical treatment? (I'm probably gonna leave them and see if they will overcome, they've made it through 2 winters and varoa so I'm hopeful if not confident.)

Other than that they look perfect! Saw the queen, eggs, brood (less than I'd hoped for but a good amount of eggs I think).  They had HEAPS of honey left so I stole 1  medium frame  :shock:.  They still have 2-3 deep frames and the same in mediums and 10 deeps 1/4 full of old capped honey and 1/2 full of uncapped nectar).  I'm pretty sure something is flowing and the big flow should only be about 2 weeks away. (Was that bad do you think?  It was in wonky comb that I wanted to remove before it got really ugly.)

Anyway.  Pretty happy with what I saw and feel pretty good that I knew what to do and to look for and stuff.  Can't say enough thanks to you all for my education ('specially iddee- I was gonna call, and then figured I had to start making my own decisions sometime.  Fingers crossed they were the right ones!)

Thanks for any and all comments!

Title: Re: First deep inspection of the year!
Post by: FRAMEshift on March 12, 2011, 07:17:33 pm
1.  Is there any way to remove propolis from your fingers?
Mineral spirits.  Propolis is an oil/tar mixture so you have to use an organic solvent.
2.  Can you melt down old dark comb for wax when you change it out?
You can but what will you use the wax for?  Some people strain the melted wax through a cloth and recover light brown wax that might be ok for candles.  I wouldn't ingest it.
3.  I saw a handfull of bees with what looked like k-wing.  I'm pretty committed to non-treatment this year, so the question is kinda mute, but how many is too many? and is there any non-chemical treatment? (I'm probably gonna leave them and see if they will overcome, they've made it through 2 winters and varoa so I'm hopeful if not confident.)
I understand that k-wing is a virus carried by tracheal mites.  Seems to pop up this time of year.  Since you are not treating, I would keep an eye on the bees and watch for other symptoms of tracheal mites.  I think you will be ok once things warm up.

 They had HEAPS of honey left so I stole 1  medium frame  :shock:.  (Was that bad do you think?  It was in wonky comb that I wanted to remove before it got really ugly.)
Be absolved my child.   :-D

Anyway.  Pretty happy with what I saw and feel pretty good that I knew what to do and to look for and stuff.  Can't say enough thanks to you all for my education ('specially iddee- I was gonna call, and then figured I had to start making my own decisions sometime.  Fingers crossed they were the right ones!)
Sounds like you are a real beekeeper now.  Good work.
Title: Re: First deep inspection of the year!
Post by: iddee on March 12, 2011, 07:47:31 pm
For Tracheal mites, use crisco patties. No chens needed.
Title: Re: First deep inspection of the year!
Post by: Michael Bush on March 13, 2011, 03:33:52 am
>1.  Is there any way to remove propolis from your fingers?

I use oil.  Vegatable oil.  Mineral oil.  Any kind of oil.  It won't be quick, but it won't dry your hands out and make you smell like paint thinner...

>2.  Can you melt down old dark comb for wax when you change it out?

You can.  Don't expect any wax though, the cocoons usually soak it all up.

>3.  I saw a handfull of bees with what looked like k-wing.  I'm pretty committed to non-treatment this year, so the question is kinda mute, but how many is too many? and is there any non-chemical treatment?

Committed to non-treatment?  Or  committed to non-chemical treatment?  I have never treated for Tracheal mites.  If every didn't treat we'd have no more issues by now.  As it is we have very few because most people have stopped treating?

>  to (I'm probably gonna leave them and see if they will overcome, they've made it through 2 winters and varoa so I'm hopeful if not confident.)

If you see a lot of them I would worry.  A few, I wouldn't worry.
Title: Re: First deep inspection of the year!
Post by: tillie on March 13, 2011, 09:41:44 am
You can but what will you use the wax for?

I melt down everything to have enough wax for waxing in starter strips.  Doesn't matter to me what it looks like, but Michael is right - the old, old brood comb yields so little that it isn't really worthwhile.

Note:  iddee is suggesting the usual approach to trachael mites - the crisco patty -- but if you use it in Atlanta, the small hive beetles will take over your hive.  I assume since you are chemical free, you wouldn't be doing that anyway, but just in case....

Linda T in Atlanta
Title: Re: First deep inspection of the year!
Post by: iddee on March 13, 2011, 10:15:55 am
Thanks, Tillie. I haven't used them since the SHB arrived, so didn't know.
Never too old to learn.
Title: Re: First deep inspection of the year!
Post by: ziffabeek on March 13, 2011, 12:33:02 pm
Thanks for all the replies and tips guys.  I'll keep my fingers crossed. 

And Frameshift - more like a newbiekeeper.
