Beemaster's International Beekeeping Forum

BEEKEEPING LEARNING CENTER => GENERAL BEEKEEPING - MAIN POSTING FORUM. => Topic started by: beehappy1950 on January 16, 2010, 06:19:07 pm

Title: Crystalization ?
Post by: beehappy1950 on January 16, 2010, 06:19:07 pm
I have some honey and it is starting to get cloudy from crystalation. Probably didnt spell that right. Ha. Been a long time since I went to school. How hot do I need to heat it to get it back again. I have it in a refrigerator with a light. So far about a hundred degrees in there. Will this work? harold
Title: Re: Crystalization ?
Post by: Hemlock on January 16, 2010, 08:47:32 pm

It depends on how much & what kind of containers it's in.  If in glass jars you could place them (closed) in a warm water bath. Like a canning pot filled with hot tap water.  The water need not cover the jars.  Let sit over night.  This may also work for plastic jars (i don't use so I'm guessing).
But if you have 5 gallon buckets maybe a bath tub?

Many people love the crystallized honey.  Are you sure you need to change it back?
Title: Re: Crystalization ?
Post by: beehappy1950 on January 16, 2010, 11:19:47 pm
Seems we have a lot of people that dont know that it tastes better. I think they have been eating processed honey too long. Thanks Harold
Title: Re: Crystalization ?
Post by: Michael Bush on January 17, 2010, 05:41:27 am
I'd put it somewhere that it stays cool and try to get it to crystallize quickly.  That way it[s nice and smooth...
Title: Re: Crystalization ?
Post by: RayMarler on January 17, 2010, 05:50:01 am
Yes Harold, that should work. I've done it that way myself, in a fridge or freezer with a light bulb. Just be watchful the temp does not raise up to high, 100F sounds good.