Beemaster's International Beekeeping Forum


Title: A swarm catching box
Post by: bigbearomaha on October 03, 2009, 04:55:56 pm
So far, it seems to work just fine.

I took an old wood milk crate (hard to find now, but you can build one along same size/shape pretty easily and cheap too) Knocked out the insert centers of each side and stapled in screening over each side and same for lid..

now, just put the swarm in the crate as one would a cardboard box, etc.

It has been very stable and transports well. Bees get plenty of air yet not able to get out.

toying with an idea to drill a hole in the bottom edge of one side and have a lockable plate or door of some kind.

Thinking maybe one could set the crate directly in front of new hive entrance and let the bees walk out of the box, right into the hive.

What do you think?

Big Bear
Title: Re: a swarm catching box
Post by: Michael Bush on October 03, 2009, 08:10:58 pm
If you have them in a box with no frames and you want them in a box with frames, I'd just dump them in.  But I've changed my swarm catching methods.  Some old comb in an empty hive of frames and a Q tip with one end dipped in Lemongrass oil and the other in queen juice ("retired" queens soaked in alcohol) and I just let the swarm move into the hive on their own and then take them home after dark.
Title: Re: a swarm catching box
Post by: bigbearomaha on October 03, 2009, 09:04:06 pm
so essentially, luring them down from the swarm cluster directly into a new hive.

 I can see that.

You are presumably talking about putting them into a Lang type hive referring to frames.  I am not going to be using those much at all, instead TBH.

I am looking at using a stand which is same height as my TBH's and when this box is set on the stand, directly in front of the hive entrance ( I do use entrance on the end of TBH) the two holes would pretty much 'line up' giving bees direct entry to new hive.

I really am not a huge fan of 'shaking' bees.

Most of this is 'thinking out loud'  I have the box already made and used it once, essentially shaking the bees into the new hive, but it is the entry method  I am pondering.

Big Bear

Title: Re: a swarm catching box
Post by: Michael Bush on October 03, 2009, 10:55:42 pm
>so essentially, luring them down from the swarm cluster directly into a new hive.


>You are presumably talking about putting them into a Lang type hive referring to frames.  I am not going to be using those much at all, instead TBH.

You can use it as the bait hive and it will work just as well.

>I am looking at using a stand which is same height as my TBH's and when this box is set on the stand, directly in front of the hive entrance ( I do use entrance on the end of TBH) the two holes would pretty much 'line up' giving bees direct entry to new hive.

But what stops them from staying where they are?

>I really am not a huge fan of 'shaking' bees.

I am.  It's the best way to remove them from something I don't want them in or on.  I'm actually more likely to SLAM them. :)  It moves all the bees quite nicely.
Title: Re: a swarm catching box
Post by: bigbearomaha on October 03, 2009, 11:05:58 pm
But what stops them from staying where they are?

Not much really, unless I were to shake them  (or 'slam' them  ;) ) into the new hive.

 I guess I am looking at it in the same manner as allowing bees to walk up a sheet or board at the entrance to a hive.  this idea just shortening the distance going from catch box to hive pretty much directly.

Big Bear
Title: Re: a swarm catching box
Post by: Bee-Bop on October 04, 2009, 09:05:21 am
A lot of times Bees don't read the same books Bee handlers/keepers do!

With experience, you find that what you think they will do so easy, don't mean
pee diddly squat to them !

Title: Re: a swarm catching box
Post by: bigbearomaha on October 04, 2009, 09:12:31 am
well, from experience,  I have seen them walk up the sheet or board straight into the the new hive. This has been done both from bringing in a swarm that was caught and using the 'artificial swarm' process.

Which is why I think it could work from crate to hive.  I am just wondering if the bees 'need' the long walk, so to speak, up the sheet or board to acclimate themselves or mimic a movement of their own or if it could be as simple as 'here to there'  especially since they have just come from a swarm cluster.

Big Bear
Title: Re: a swarm catching box
Post by: SlickMick on October 05, 2009, 07:24:19 am
 I agree with Michael.. just shake them into the box.. don't be too worried about what the bees might or might not like or what they might or might not need. I can't imagine a shaking causing them any harm
