Beemaster's International Beekeeping Forum


Title: New Stuff yey
Post by: jxbeeman on March 27, 2005, 10:00:43 am
Just finished building my New (BeeVac, Solar melter, and 2 observation hives 1->8frame, 1->4 frame).  I figured it was about time to build a new beevac and solar melter.  i'll have pictures of the beevac up probably in a few days.  it is quit different from the ones i've seen on the forum or beesource.  when i get the pics up tell me what you all think about it.  later
Title: New Stuff yey
Post by: Beth Kirkley on March 27, 2005, 12:26:03 pm
Definately get the pics up. I for one would love to see it.

Title: New Stuff yey
Post by: jxbeeman on March 27, 2005, 02:26:55 pm
This is the second one i've made.  the first one was just a trial one to see how or if it would work.  works great.  can also use for other things like a nuc.  after vacuming up the bees i leave this bad boy out where i'm going to put the hive and transfer them a couple days later.

here is the bee vac.
Title: New Stuff yey
Post by: Robo on March 27, 2005, 09:35:35 pm
Nice job!

If I can make on suggestion though.  You might want to install an adjustable relief port so that you can control the amount of suction at the hose.  You want enough suction to lightly pull the bees in.  If you have too much suction, you'll smash the bees against the walls or screen and kill them.  I would suggest putting the relief on the motor side of the screen, that will reduce the velocity at the screen and you would not have to worry about screening it off.
Title: New Stuff yey
Post by: thegolfpsycho on March 27, 2005, 09:45:56 pm
Good looking bee vac.
Title: New Stuff yey
Post by: Jerrymac on March 27, 2005, 09:51:14 pm

I have there regulator hole on the same side as motor. I found it is a good idea to screen it. If you got bees flying around they will get in there and get sucked through the motor. Don't know what it does to the motor but the bees come out looking all goofy.
Title: New Stuff yey
Post by: jxbeeman on March 28, 2005, 10:40:32 am
thanks for the tip
i think i will put one on the back with the motor.  i just didn't want to do it and change my mind and have to redo the back.  thants no fun.  my buddy built one just like mine and put a relief port up front.  also instead of the handle on top he put a piece of plexi to see into the vac.  this vac can be turned into a nuc and left outside.  when i'm vacuming up the bees i put 5 frames into it for the bees to cling to.  also depends on the size of the hive i'm taking out.  last year i took out a hive that was really big for my buddy.  it took 2 days to get the whole hive out.  it was in the side of a house and ran around 10 feet.  it was mostly on the second floor so it was a pain to get to but we got it.  

Question has anyone experimented on the length of a vacume hose.  would a longer hose hurt the bees more or would they (bee) fine.  

i have a 2.5 dia hose on mine and it is 7 ft.  i was wondering about the possibility of a really long hose.  i have an adapter on mine that i can hook up a pool hose which is probably around 20 ft or more.  that way i could leave the whole vac on the ground and just suck up the bee's on the ladder or whatever.  just wondering.  makes it easier instead of juggling the beevac, saw, hammer, crowbar, smoker, balancing on the ladder and throwing the wax into a wax bucket and whatever else you need up there, waterbottle maybe.  hehehhe this gets tricky with only one person which i know from personal experience.  best to work in 2's or more.  later
Title: New Stuff yey
Post by: Jay on March 28, 2005, 03:21:14 pm
A longer hose should reduce your suction. So, therefore, it will help preserve the bees rather than hurt them more. The only thing I would worry about with a hose that long is, how many bees are left inside when you are done?

The suction on your hose should be only just enough to bearly pull them off of whatever they are standing on. They shouldn't be "ripped" off by the suction. With that much suction they are sure to get crushed inside the vaccume.

A friend of mine who does a lot of vaccume removals put it this way:
"only enough suction to make it annoying for you to get them off the comb" :lol:
Title: New Stuff yey
Post by: jxbeeman on March 28, 2005, 04:32:58 pm
that is true.  some of the vacumes i've used were really annoying.  that is why i tend to just take the brood out with some bees and place them in a full depth in front of the hive.  then take the hive apart with most of the wax and try to get the queen.  then i come back the next day and usually all the bees are in there new home.  then it is pack up and go home.  it really helps to get the queen when doing this though.  unless you accidently kill her.  also helps if you have all the brood out of the hive.  if there is some in the origianl hive then the half usually go to the brood in the box and half go back into the house or whatever.  later