Beemaster's International Beekeeping Forum

BEEKEEPING LEARNING CENTER => GENERAL BEEKEEPING - MAIN POSTING FORUM. => Topic started by: annette on April 22, 2009, 11:42:23 pm

Title: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: annette on April 22, 2009, 11:42:23 pm
OK dear people. I received a call yesterday afternoon about a swarm.  I am keeping it a secret where the swarm is located.  You will understand how ironic this is, how unusual that this would happen to me.  Quite frankly this is hysterical.

My very own, first ever swarm and I went alone.  But I could not have done it without the guidance of our very own master swarm catcher """JP""".  JP gave me his cell number and I called him when I got the call. He guided me along the way about the technique to use and what to bring etc.  When I got there I had a little trouble and I called him again and again and again and he helped me along.

I was very, very nervous, but I did feel confident that I knew what to do.

Well here is the secret :-D :-D :-D


Of all places an umbrella!!!!! How funny is this !!!!!!


As you can see this is an afterswarm, very small swarm. Probably a virgin queen is what JP believes.


Below is the setup that JP suggested to me.


The swarm was hanging from a rope as you can see above and I grabbed the rope on top and shook the swarm into box  and then set the box on the floor to catch the ones that did not fall in at first. Well I thought I got the queen as you can see from the photos below it looks like they are marching in to the box.


And here also


But although all the bees on the ground walked into this box, about 1/2 hour later it became apparent that the bees were all flying back up to the umbrella.  So I tried again and they flew back up again. Finally the third time (this time I just grabbed the cluster and threw them into the box) and this time I believe I truly had the queen as you can see in the photos below they are doing that butt up in the air thing.  There were a few bees doing this at the entrance although in the photo you can see only one or two.


I left and came back a couple hours later because there were still a few bees clustered on the umbrella and I wanted to get them all.  I could not and it was getting dark and I had to leave so a few bees remained on that umbrella.

I now have them in a little medium nuc I bought from Brushy Mt. This afterswarm is way to tiny to survive on its own.  I am feeding it now and tomorrow I will try to find a couple of frames of brood from my other hives. JP also suggested I place this swarm in the place of another strong hive so the returning foragers will go into this swarm and the numbers will build up.

This was an unbelievable experience for me. I was very, very happy doing the entire thing and I truly appreciate that JP made himself available to answer all my questions. He was so very supportive and very patient. That is the main thing for me, when I get nervous I want someone to be patient with me. He also is very wonderful to talk to, very soothing voice.

Thank you JP from the bottom of my heart for being there and walking me through this experience.

Now I hope and pray this little swarm will make it.


Title: Re: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: bailey on April 23, 2009, 12:15:05 am
very good annett, jp called me and told me of the catch. he was so proud that they were clustered on an umbrella.
i thought it was very fitting myself!

Title: Re: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: Kathyp on April 23, 2009, 12:23:39 am
way to go!!  it's pretty exciting, isn't it?
Title: Re: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: JP on April 23, 2009, 12:33:02 am
Wait a minute, Bailey, you know full well I did not disclose where the swarm was, it was Annette's secret to share with us all on the forums.

I told Bailey and Bud that Annette caught a swarm and called me with questions, that I truly felt honored to assist, and that you won't believe the location of the swarm, but honestly I did not tell a soul, except for my wife where her first swarm was clustered.

Truly amazing, that they were hanging from an umbrella! I just love it, how cool is that Ms Annette!

Oh, btw Annette, thanks to you I turned about ten different shades of red from all that sappy talk you threw on me!

It was my pleasure to help.

Now that I've seen the pictures, you know the easiest scenario would have been to cut the string they were attached to, but I know the home owners probably wouldn't have gone for that move.

Congratulations Annette!

Title: Re: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: tillie on April 23, 2009, 12:41:16 am
I am so thrilled for you, Annette - it's such fun to get a swarm and yours was perfect - on your signature umbrella!

Good luck and I hope they live well and prosper....

Linda T in ATlanta
Title: Re: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: DayValleyDahlias on April 23, 2009, 12:45:59 am
Oh Annette,

Congrats to you!!  So exciting, no swarms here yet!!

Title: Re: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: slaphead on April 23, 2009, 02:05:26 am
Congratulations Annette.

I laughed my head off on scrolling down to the first picture.  Who would have believed this would be your first one.  Clearly it was a special delivery just for you  :-D
Hope they build up quickly for you.

Title: Re: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: SgtMaj on April 23, 2009, 03:50:01 am
It's like those bees knew where they were headed, LOL!  Good Job Annette!  Congratulations... and how funny is that?  I think these bees will always be the most near and dear to you after that.
Title: Re: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: RayMarler on April 23, 2009, 04:45:08 am
Good for you Annette, I know you've been wanting one for awhile, and this one was meant just for you!
Title: Re: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: Jim134 on April 23, 2009, 07:11:58 am

Of all places an umbrella!!!!! How funny is this !!!!!!


Truly amazing, that they were hanging from an umbrella! I just love it, how cool is that Ms Annette!

Congratulations Annette!


 :lau: :lau: :lau: :lau:   X:X X:X   love the pix
Hope you caught 10 more swarms

  BEE HAPPY Jim 134  :)

Title: Re: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: adgjoan on April 23, 2009, 07:21:40 am
Wow, Annette, did that swarm have your name all over it or what!  It never ceases to amaze me how giving of their time more experienced beekeepers are. A big "atta boy" and pat on the back goes out to JP.  I hope all your future swarms will be "umbrella swarms" ,Miss A.

Title: Re: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: buzzbee on April 23, 2009, 07:59:58 am
I caught a swarm of similar size last summer and it survived a long cold winter here.We saw 25 below zero at one point. keep them fed and only give them the room they need and they should do quite well.Congratulations!!
Title: Re: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: KD4MOJ on April 23, 2009, 08:22:16 am
Congrads Annette!!!!

   I'm waiting patiently to catch my first! Got my equipment ready to rock and roll!

Title: Re: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: MacfromNS on April 23, 2009, 08:33:20 am
I would think congratulations are in order to you Annette and
your secret could not have been guessed. I couldn't have been
happier if I had got it myself and hats off to JP.
Title: Re: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: BeeHopper on April 23, 2009, 09:17:00 am
Ahh Yesss, the thrill and anxiety of a " 1st Swarm "  :-D

Congrats Annette and by the way, if you went alone, then who took the picture of you  :evil:
Title: Re: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: greenismycolor on April 23, 2009, 09:27:44 am
You know that some things are just meant to Bee!!! My most hearty CONGRATULATIONS Ms Annette!!!!!!
Title: Re: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: Keith13 on April 23, 2009, 10:38:33 am
I spoke with JP yesterday and he told me of your swarm and he said there was something special about it. But he wouldnt tell me what it was. On my way home I thought that how awesome it would be if it were on an umbrella like the one JP did last year and sure enough there it was today. That is too much. Congratulations on your swarm catch!!!!

Title: Re: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: BeeHopper on April 23, 2009, 11:32:06 am
Now I get it  :-D
Title: Re: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: jimmy on April 23, 2009, 12:45:28 pm
Since the 1st time I came on this board, not that long ago, I have thought of you as the parasal lady . This confirms it, good going.
Title: Re: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: jojoroxx on April 23, 2009, 02:01:09 pm
Very lucky and SKILLED lady! Way to go! :-D
Title: Re: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: dpence on April 23, 2009, 02:58:33 pm
Congrats Annette.  Hope they do fine.

Title: Re: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: Davepeg on April 23, 2009, 03:17:11 pm
Congratulations on your first swarm!  We have not had one, I hope when we do, it is one like this.  I think they were just waiting for the right person to come along, and you did!

It's so nice to know there are folks out there like JP that can help when needed.  That's one of the best things about this forum - I have learned so much just from reading all the postings - and when I first started and asked "silly" questions, everyone was so great about it. 

Let us know how your "little" swarm grows!
Title: Re: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: jdpro5010 on April 23, 2009, 03:59:21 pm
That is outstanding! Congratulations on your first swarm!
Title: Re: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: annette on April 23, 2009, 06:27:50 pm
Ahh Yesss, the thrill and anxiety of a " 1st Swarm "  :-D

Congrats Annette and by the way, if you went alone, then who took the picture of you  :evil:

The homeowner took some photos with my camera.  They were the most wonderful people and as excited as I was about the whole thing.
Title: Re: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: annette on April 23, 2009, 06:39:24 pm
To all of you wonderful people who responded, I thank you all so much for truly sharing my excitement.

Today I went up and gave them a full frame of brood and pollen from another hive. I plan on switching their location with my really strong hive to try and build up the numbers.  I sure hope they have a virgin queen, because I could not find a frame with eggs to give them.

Will keep you all informed how they build up.

I just loved all the warm sentiments from all of you, I could just feel the love coming through my computer.

Thanks so much
Title: Re: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: sarafina on April 23, 2009, 06:48:47 pm
Oh, how excitiing for you !!!  CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!!!  I hope they do well in their new home.
Title: Re: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: annette on April 23, 2009, 06:49:53 pm
JP I thought about cutting that rope later on. Duh!!, but it was part of the umbrella and I wonder if the homeowner would have cared.

My first two tries did not work out that great.  Shaking that rope made the bees fly all over the place.  It was only after that I decided to just throw them into the box with my hands. That worked.

Thanks again.
Title: Re: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: poka-bee on April 23, 2009, 07:09:11 pm
YAYS for Annette!  Amazing & fitting that your 1st swarm was on an umbrella!  Of all the places!  Those bees were meant to go home with you!  Glad things worked, how could they not with mentoring from the "Swarm King"!! :-D  J
Title: Re: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: eri on April 23, 2009, 07:13:36 pm
Congratulations, Annette! Nice, JP. Are you going to paint a parasol on one of the new hive bodies for good luck?
Title: Re: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: 1reb on April 23, 2009, 11:01:39 pm
Congratulations Annette on you first swarm of bees

Title: Re: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: vermmy35 on April 23, 2009, 11:43:59 pm
Gratz to you Annette and a big hand to JP for the swarm by proxy :evil:
Title: Re: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: annette on April 24, 2009, 02:32:58 am
Congratulations, Annette! Nice, JP. Are you going to paint a parasol on one of the new hive bodies for good luck?

Nice idea!!
Title: Re: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: lmehaffey on April 24, 2009, 08:52:46 am
Double-wow!! What an experience! Congratulations, ma'am....    too 8-)
Title: Re: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: HAB on April 24, 2009, 11:34:58 am
THAT is Karma at its Best!!
Yesterday, my Wife, who is just four years younger than you (your both still quite young) caught her fourth swarm of the year.  Puddin Head, our 16 month old Grandaughter got to watch the whole thing.  The swarm was in a Pear Tree about 5ft off the ground.  The two of them (I was taking my best friend in for a stress test) just had the best time.  She said Puddin Head wanted to play with the Bees so Bad!!  But that she managed to sit about three feet from the nuc while the stragglers marched in.  Unfortunately she forgot the camera. :bee: :bee: :bee:
Title: Re: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: annette on April 24, 2009, 12:09:00 pm
Oh what a nice experience for both of them. Sounds like a happy family to me sharing all this wonderful stuff together.
Title: Re: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: SlickMick on April 25, 2009, 07:41:53 am
Good on you Annette. Glad to know you have broken your duck (a duck in Aussie speak means zip, zero, nothing, zilch, nought, 0 etcetera)
Title: Re: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: Natalie on April 25, 2009, 10:30:02 am
Annette Congratulations!! The perfect swarm for you. JP is such a good guy, glad that he was there for you! You'll be walking on air all week. :)
Title: Re: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: annette on April 25, 2009, 01:05:36 pm
I am walking on air and showing off the new hive to anyone who I can get to go up and see them. It was just an awesome experience and I hope this virgin queen turns out to be a good queen. This is my main concern right now.

Thanks for the good wishes. I just hope and pray I can manage all these hives properly.
Title: Re: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: johnnybigfish on April 25, 2009, 11:08:48 pm
Hey annette!
 Thats great that you caught a swarm! And, after reading your story,I felt the excitement too!
 I dont really know why it gets me so worked up catching bees, but it does! And swarms are sometimes just so darn easy!
 Its great you didnt have to climb way up on a ladder with no help too!
I wish I was with you to share the excitement! It almost seems that its like taming a tiger except in a smaller version! Also, its like handling thousands of tiny loaded pistols flying around! You know what stings can feel like but you just jump in and catch the bees anyways, throwing caution to the wind! And, then, when they stay, you feel like the bees like you and are happy what youve done for them by giving them a nice house to live in!
 This is GREAT Annette! I cant wait to hear how they do!...Now watch, you'll probably get back to back calls on more swarms!
 And, JP! What a great example of how friends should treat each other! I'm thrilled that you took the time to help Annette out the way you did!..Giving your time to others is sometimes the greatest gift in the world!

your friend,
Title: Re: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: Bee Happy on April 26, 2009, 12:33:34 am
"ahh, but you do not have a magic red umbrella.... Wink
Just teasing, annette too.[...]" -Natalie on April 19th 2009. (on my self-introduction)

...I guess she was right about that red umbrella being magic.
Title: Re: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: greenismycolor on April 26, 2009, 12:42:09 am
( (

A toast to Annette!
Title: Re: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: annette on April 26, 2009, 12:57:54 am
Definitely something magical going on here :rainbowflower: :rainbowflower:
Title: Re: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: EasternShore on April 26, 2009, 09:22:48 am
Title: Re: I caught a swarm!! I caught a swarm!!
Post by: annette on April 26, 2009, 03:31:03 pm
You people are all magical and wonderful :rainbowflower: