Beemaster's International Beekeeping Forum

BEEKEEPING LEARNING CENTER => GENERAL BEEKEEPING - MAIN POSTING FORUM. => Topic started by: timdalyiii on September 01, 2008, 02:27:54 pm

Title: Think I'm being robbed
Post by: timdalyiii on September 01, 2008, 02:27:54 pm
I just stopped by my hive.  I saw a lot of bees on the front (not strange).  I saw bees coming and going (not strange).  I saw bees with full pollen baskets going in, not out.  I saw a few dozen dead bees on the ground (strange).  I saw a few pupa being dragged out of the hive (strange).  I didn't see any obvious fighting.

I was there yesterday and did an inspection and filled the top feeder.  I didn't notice anything strange then.  Everything appeared to be going well.

I reduced the entrance to about 1/3 open.

I'm freaking out.  Am I correct in my assessment and reaction?
Title: Re: Think I'm being robbed
Post by: annette on September 01, 2008, 04:25:36 pm
Could have been a bit of robbing since you fed them which can set off robbing. Just a little note, that I always feed in the early evening before it gets dark to make sure no robbing takes place. It might help in case some syrup may have dripped somewhere.

I do not have a clue about the dead pupa unless this could also be related to the supposed robbing.

Just keep a close eye on the hive for any more strange activity and post it here for further evaluation.

Title: Re: Think I'm being robbed
Post by: rast on September 01, 2008, 05:12:16 pm
 Some dead pupa could have been due to the inspection. Can't be helped if they lay in burr comb and it tears comming apart or just just dragging the frame against the one next to it pulling it out or putting it in. Dead bees can be from inspections also, rolling, pinching, squishing them. 2 dozen is not cause for alarm. You loose a whole lot more than that everyday that you don't see.
 With a reduced entrance you will defiantly see them fighting. Go to Michael Bush's web site. He gives a real good description of robbing.
Title: Re: Think I'm being robbed
Post by: timdalyiii on September 01, 2008, 06:06:57 pm
Thank you.  I feel a little better.  This may have been my first time checking in on them the day after an inspection/feeding.  So some of the symptoms may be normal.  I'll be checking often.
Title: Re: Think I'm being robbed
Post by: WayneW on September 02, 2008, 01:56:29 pm
Also this time of year they could be getting rid of the drones for the winter, that would explain the dead pupae.
Title: Re: Think I'm being robbed
Post by: Pix on September 02, 2008, 03:16:55 pm
If they are being robbed for pollen, and the hive doesn't have enough pollen, then couldn't they be getting rid of some pupas because they can't feed them?
Title: Re: Think I'm being robbed
Post by: sc-bee on September 02, 2008, 05:36:06 pm
Could be any of the above --- or just plain good hygienic behavior! Wouldn't worry about a few.
Title: Re: Think I'm being robbed
Post by: timdalyiii on September 02, 2008, 10:30:34 pm
I checked on them tonight.  There are approx. 50 or so dead bees on the ground.  A LOT of bees on the outside.  More than I've ever seen.  They're bearding on the front and the back a little.  If the link works below to pic please take a look.  I just remembered something that I should probably have mentioned.  Two days ago a put my second does of Apiguard in the hive.  I don't know if this would cause this behavior. 

Yesterday I also saw some drones on the outside, which I've never noticed before.

Pics (
Title: Re: Think I'm being robbed
Post by: pdmattox on September 02, 2008, 10:44:11 pm
I think it is the apriguard running them out and the guys on ventrilo say you need more ventilation.
Title: Re: Think I'm being robbed
Post by: KONASDAD on September 02, 2008, 11:13:04 pm
Its too hot right now for apiguard in our area which will explain extra  bearding, especially w/ reduced entrance. Take off feed, remove reeducer and leavew on apiguard. Dont stop now w/ meds. The dead pupae are eitehr from meds, or mites or inspection. If they are chewed up, mites,  crushed from inspection, whole from meds. in all likelihood. After apiguard is on for a few days, you can feed and reduce again when weather cools a little and the fumes decrease. I was going to put on meds, but am now waiting a few days for cooler time.
Title: Re: Think I'm being robbed
Post by: timdalyiii on September 02, 2008, 11:16:09 pm
Will do KONOSDAD.  Always comforting to hear advice from a local.

Thank you everyone.