Beemaster's International Beekeeping Forum

BEEKEEPING LEARNING CENTER => GENERAL BEEKEEPING - MAIN POSTING FORUM. => Topic started by: twb on August 02, 2008, 11:13:10 pm

Title: How do you clean the plexiglas of an obs. hive?
Post by: twb on August 02, 2008, 11:13:10 pm
I have spent a considerable time on this and it is not yet to my satisfaction.  I used Windex and tried Simple Green but neither cut thru the wax on the plexiglas(Lexan).  What has worked well for you?

Also, what size hardware cloth should I get to cover the one inch vent holes I drilled in the obs. hive.  The previous(less than one inch) holes were propolized shut and I suspect it was the small mesh of the hardware cloth I used that encouraged them to do this.
Title: Re: How do you clean the plexiglas of an obs. hive?
Post by: ArmucheeBee on August 02, 2008, 11:28:30 pm
I just drilled 1" vent holes and covered with a small square of mesh screen.  I figure I can replace it as needed if it becomes covered.  I use 1/8" hardware clothe for the screened bottom.
Title: Re: How do you clean the plexiglas of an obs. hive?
Post by: MrILoveTheAnts on August 02, 2008, 11:43:05 pm
I was told a razer blade works, though I haven't tried it yet myself. I know it does work for window paintings on glass.
Title: Re: How do you clean the plexiglas of an obs. hive?
Post by: SgtMaj on August 03, 2008, 12:50:58 am
Yeah, it were glass a razor blade would be the way to go for sure.  Not sure about lexan, might scratch it.

Another way to remove wax from glass would be to Iron it with a piece of newspaper (or printer paper, whatever) inbetween the iron and the glass... the heat will melt the wax which is then wicked away from the glass by the paper.  This also works GREAT on clothes (I can personally atest to that).  Again though, this might melt lexan, so I don't think I'd try it on that.

Couls also try a chemical candle wax remover.  But I'm not sure if the chemicals in it would react with the lexan.
Title: Re: How do you clean the plexiglas of an obs. hive?
Post by: Kathyp on August 03, 2008, 01:03:30 am
a blow dryer would soften it.  then you might be able to take it off with a plastic knife or ice scraper.

the OB hive i got had the screens all plugged too.  i just too a tiny eye glass screwdriver and poked it out.  it was pretty brittle.  i'm sure they'll do it again.
Title: Re: How do you clean the plexiglas of an obs. hive?
Post by: buzzbee on August 03, 2008, 10:02:10 am
They make a plastic razor blade scraper you should be able to get at an auto parts store.A few years back some of the auto makers toyed with laminate windshields.Alcohol may remove the last of the wax film,I'm not sure.
Title: Re: How do you clean the plexiglas of an obs. hive?
Post by: BenC on August 03, 2008, 12:45:59 pm
I'd do what buzzbee suggested.  Alcohol (on the plexi)  or a something citrus oil based should help.  Don't ever wipe lexan with paper towels, use a cotton cloth instead.
Title: Re: How do you clean the plexiglas of an obs. hive?
Post by: Michael Bush on August 03, 2008, 02:15:46 pm
I scrape it with a rubber spatula (the rubbermaid kind that you scrape your cookie dough out with).  Then soak it in FGMO (mineral oil laxitive from the drug store).  Let it soak for a while then rub it well until the wax is liquid.  Wipe that off until it's as clean as you can get it and follow up with windex.
Title: Re: How do you clean the plexiglas of an obs. hive?
Post by: twb on August 03, 2008, 05:47:26 pm
Thanks y'all.  I found out that Windex and paper towels are a no-no for plexiglass(after I tried them).  Then I found a previous post from MB suggesting to someone to use WD-40 or food grade mineral oil.  I chose the FGMO and it worked beautifully.  I followed up with a moist soft cloth with a smidge of mild detergent and the lexan looks quite good again barring the few scratches I put in it with the paper towel.  I have bees back in the house again and I found her majesty so all is well.  Thanks again.
Title: Re: How do you clean the plexiglas of an obs. hive?
Post by: Frantz on August 04, 2008, 03:30:20 pm
Post a pic of your ob hive, I love seeing the different desings and such. BTW, I use the sargent's idea. I use an iron with a cotton cloth to soften if it gets bad. Works great. My wife aslo has one of those steamers that I want to use when she is not looking.  :evil: You just have to be careful not to let the iron sit on there to long it will warp the lexan/plexi.