Beemaster's International Beekeeping Forum

BEEKEEPING LEARNING CENTER => REQUEENING & RAISING NEW QUEENS => Topic started by: DBoire on July 02, 2008, 05:10:04 pm

Title: Ordered two too many queens,.. help.
Post by: DBoire on July 02, 2008, 05:10:04 pm
Long story short, I have two queens that I don't have immediate location for.  My thoughts, were to put them in nucs,... But I'm low on brood.  Can I Nuc them with two frames,.. One with larva & bees the second empty, them feed?
Title: Re: Ordered two too many queens,.. help.
Post by: DBoire on July 02, 2008, 06:51:02 pm
Additional question, when I do put the Queens in the Nucs, should I Make up the Nucs , them go overnight queenless then add the queen directly or put the queen immediately in the cage upon making up the Nuc?
Title: Re: Ordered two too many queens,.. help.
Post by: Moonshae on July 02, 2008, 08:17:06 pm
I would give them at least a few hours before introducing the cage, but the next day is fine, too.
Title: Re: Ordered two too many queens,.. help.
Post by: DBoire on July 03, 2008, 11:37:07 am
Thanks, I'll set up the holding Nucs this morning, give them about 4 - 6 hours and put the cages in.  I appreciate your prompt help as I was in a bind!
