Beemaster's International Beekeeping Forum

MEMBER BULLETIN BOARD => PHOTO PAGE - MEMBER PHOTOS & BEE-MOVIES HERE! => Topic started by: rdy-b on March 08, 2008, 08:11:54 pm

Title: California Almond Bloom
Post by: rdy-b on March 08, 2008, 08:11:54 pm
these are some pics I took today of the bloom my bees are enjoying so much  8-)                                                  ( (                                                                                                    ( (                                                                                                       ( (                                                                                                    ( (                                                                                                    RDY-B
Title: Re: California Almond Bloom
Post by: paulybee on March 09, 2008, 10:01:43 am
How many hives do you have there?  Do others supply hives also?
Title: Re: California Almond Bloom
Post by: DayValleyDahlias on March 09, 2008, 01:22:54 pm
Beautiful..just beautiful...I love Springtime!
Title: Re: California Almond Bloom
Post by: JP on March 09, 2008, 01:35:57 pm
Them there blooms sure are purdy Rdy-B. Do they smell nice? It looks like the blooms are violet colored is this correct? You should also add one of these to the monthly wall paper contest on this site, those are quite nice.

Title: Re: California Almond Bloom
Post by: rdy-b on March 09, 2008, 02:38:21 pm
This year the bloom is extremely fragrant weather has been excellent -when the peak of the bloom goes on which is about now in the orchards i am in -the fragrance is so powerful the bees get hyper-stimulated -they produce a amount of brood that explodes from the hives -the bees come back in about two weeks and the hives will be busting with bees and ready for splits-this year i managed to place 70 colonies total in three different locations -the rest stayed home and wont even come close to the frame strength that this bloom is generating -walking down the rows of a orchard in full bloom with petals starting to fall like snow with that powerful fragrance is one of the priceless moments that beekeepers get to see- cheers  RDY-B
Title: Re: California Almond Bloom
Post by: Moonshae on March 09, 2008, 10:37:53 pm
It's interesting how sterile it looks, contrasted with the tons of flowers on the trees...not a single green thing in sight.
Title: Re: California Almond Bloom
Post by: Brian Camp on March 10, 2008, 01:14:48 pm
The Almonds are blooming in full force in my part of the woods too. :)
Title: Re: California Almond Bloom
Post by: Cindi on March 11, 2008, 10:36:04 am
RDY-B.  Wow, those pictures took me right there, and the description of the fragrance that must fill the air took me to a level of emotional elation I cannot describe.  The fragrances of life outside, the flowers, the blooms of the trees, is something that I hold dear to my heart.  I don't think that there is anything more beautiful in life, than the crisp and wonderful scents of nature.  I could ramble on about this for eons.

Those pictures of the almond blooms were something that I have never seen before, I have seen intermittent trees blooming, but have never had the experience of seeing an orchard in full bloom.  One of these fine days, I am going to have to actually visit an orchard when the blooms are running high.  I do not know of any actual orchards in my vicinity, so I would have to go on a search to neighbouring towns.  We don't have many orchards around here, but further north in our province, there are cherry, apricot, apple and that list goes on. 

One day, I will find an orchard, in full bloom, and step into that world of fragrance.  I know how nice a cherry tree smells that is close to my grocery store, I can smell those blooms from a long distance away.  My world to be walking down an orchard, such as how you described the almond groves, ohhhhh.....I am longing for that day when I can witness this type of fragrance that would overwhelm my soul.....

Thankyou for taking me into this world of fragrance that I can only imagine that you have been in.  Anyone that can have the privilege of walking in those orchards, never take this for granted, and I know that this is so easy to do, you are privvy to one of nature's most beautiful qualities, fragrance.....and I can be the bees would be intoxicated by the aromas too.  Beautiful day, beautiful life, all that is beautiful.  Cindi