Beemaster's International Beekeeping Forum

BEEKEEPING LEARNING CENTER => GENERAL BEEKEEPING - MAIN POSTING FORUM. => Topic started by: Saucy on July 14, 2004, 02:02:20 pm

Title: Wasps
Post by: Saucy on July 14, 2004, 02:02:20 pm
Anyone got any advice about wasps please? There are quite a few flying around and trying to get into my hive. Anything I can do to prevent them getting in and to keep them away?

Title: Re: Wasps
Post by: Anonymous on July 14, 2004, 03:07:45 pm
I would reduce the hive entrance so the guards dont' have too bi an entranct to protect. Just don't reduce it too much.


Quote from: Saucy
Anyone got any advice about wasps please? There are quite a few flying around and trying to get into my hive. Anything I can do to prevent them getting in and to keep them away?

Title: Re: Wasps
Post by: Mchero on July 14, 2004, 06:06:34 pm
I hate it when I post a reply & then see the poster as Guest. Also, my spell checker when down during the post  :lol:

Again, Spelled correctly, I would reduce the entrance so that the gards don't have such a big entrance to patrol. Just don't reduce too much. Also,

I wonder if you could install some type of screen that only the bees can get through.


Quote from: Anonymous
I would reduce the hive entrance so the guards dont' have too bi an entranct to protect. Just don't reduce it too much.


Quote from: Saucy
Anyone got any advice about wasps please? There are quite a few flying around and trying to get into my hive. Anything I can do to prevent them getting in and to keep them away?

Title: Wasps
Post by: lobstafari on July 14, 2004, 09:03:11 pm
I'm not much of a picture do-er but Id like to learn more how these rigs work...anyone know?
Its a wasp trap not much different than a mason jar...must be something special inside.
Title: Wasps
Post by: Mchero on July 14, 2004, 10:46:56 pm
Do a google search on "wasp trap" AND Bee (with quotes around wasp trap) and you will hit lots of pages with wasp traps. Look for a link on a bee type web site.

Here's one that's bee related


Quote from: lobstafari
I'm not much of a picture do-er but Id like to learn more how these rigs work...anyone know?
Its a wasp trap not much different than a mason jar...must be something special inside.
Title: Wasps
Post by: Saucy on July 15, 2004, 03:46:33 am
Thank you so much to you all!

I like the idea of the "jar trap" and will try it.

I am worried about reducing the entrance as they are very busy at the moment, already climbing on top of each other to get in and out and wouldn't like to make it any smaller.

Title: Wasps
Post by: Mchero on July 16, 2004, 02:02:00 pm

The trap described below is easy to make & will catch yellow jackets by the 100's!

I get an empty 1 gallon milk jug.

Cut a 3-1/2 inch hole on each side. Make sure the holes are about 2 inches off the bottom.

Fill with about 1-1/2 inces water. Add ONE drop of liquid diswashing detergent. This breaks the waters surface tension.

Hang a pice of meat inside the carton. This can be some lunch meat, fried chicken, chicken bone, pice of steak, anything the wasps will "smell"

Hang on a tree, pole or building.

The wasps will fly in the hole onto the the meat. When they try & fly away they will not be smart enough to exit the hole, hit the side of the carton & drop into the water.

Give it a try & let me know how it goes. It's real fustrating to be outside, open a can of soda & have about 3 yellow jackets helping themselfs to your drink!
