Just wondering how this has worked out for you, I?m considering doing the same thing. I also considered using a couple of drum band heaters to avoid the open flame but I have a feeling it would be terribly slow and may not work. Some of them get up to around 400 degrees F. Any thoughts on that?
Still a work in progress, very slow progress... Lot of mandatory overtime at my work and even though it ended last year, so far behind on every thing else have not got back on my tank. Want it running for my own equipment, but having it for a retirement 'side hustle' is also important. Did get the trailer I'm going to mount it on put together!
Skeptical about drum heaters (BTW we have discussed this, um, 'elsewhere') but the heavy duty ones do say they are rated for continuous use. The cheaper ones do not. Kind of an expensive risk to find out you need to add a second or third one. Or worse, they do not work at all.